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Choose one of the following topics:

1. Men are more affected by reference groups than women are when buying clothes
–    Introduce reference groups
–    Introduce the argument: This essay argues that men are more affected etc
–    Use 2-3 consumer behavior theories to prove it
–    Mention every part of the essay in a sub headline so that its organized

    Reference groups and their affects on buying decisions
    What is/are the main reference group(s) that affect men when buying clothes
    Use theories to prove it
    How they affect them and why
    What ages of men are mostly affected by reference groups
    Do reference groups have a negative affect?

2. Generation Z is more affected by digital influencers and celebrities than millennials when buying clothes

–    Introduce reference groups
–    Introduce the argument: This essay argues that generation z is more affected by etc
–    Use consumer behavior theories to prove it
–    Mention every part of the essay in a sub headline so that it is organized

    Reference groups and their affects on buying decisions
    What are digital influencers and how do they set the trends for generation Z
    How badly are generation Z affected by digital influencers
    Use theories to prove it
    How they affect them and why
    Why are millennials less affected by digital influencers and celebrities
    Do digital influencers and celebrities have a negative affect

Use 25 Scholarly sources at least with online links. This is necessary, any source without a link online is unaccepted.

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