GSCM206 Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain
Week 8 Discussion
This week you will go back and review the cases from weeks 1-7. Choose a case and tie it back to the topic for the week and how it relates to the CO(s) assigned to the week. You will present your topic, case and TCO(s) analysis using any audio/video technology of your preference (Narrated PowerPoint, Kaltura, Vimeo, MP4, etc.) as a discussion thread for the week. Your video should be five minutes and posted on Thursday of Week 8. You must respond to two other classmates’ videos by Saturday evening.
Item Description Points
Presentation Content/ Quality Facts were presented in a clear, concise, and professional manner. Student presented a case and tied the case into the week’s topic and TCO. The presentation was easy to follow along with slides. Slides were not too busy. Use of extraneous graphics/clip art is minimal. 75
Timing Presentation is delivered in the time allocated (5 to 8 minutes) 5
Presentation Format Presentation contains no spelling, grammar, typographical or formatting errors, graphics and charts are clear and legible. Writing quality is excellent – clear, organized and professional. 10
Total Point Value 90