NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 1 Discussion
DQ1 Assessment, Evaluation, and Grading
Welcome to the Chamberlain College of Nursing Curriculum Committee. You are a new faculty member, and, along with Dr. John Becker, you have just been assigned to start a 2-year term on the Curriculum Committee. The committee chair is Dr. Janet Stewart. Dr. Nancy Smith and Dr. Patricia Huber are in their second year of serving. Your school is facing a reaccreditation next year, and the dean has charged the committee with writing the school’s self-study. This will involve summarizing the state of your school based on an assessment of student learning, an evaluation of the school’s strengths and challenges, and a plan for continuing improvement.
The committee meets in the president’s conference room in the Nightingale building, an indication of how important the work of this committee is. Being new, John asks an interesting question: “Why can’t we just look at the grades we give students to see what they have learned? They tell us whether the student passes or fails. Why does the faculty have to waste time on all of this paperwork?” What would you tell him?
DQ2 Levels of Outcomes
Dr. Susan Peterson has been on the Curriculum Committee for a year. In preparation for the accreditation visit, she has been charged with making sure that the outcomes for the BSN courses are aligned with the Program Outcomes as well as the lesson objectives, test blueprints, and assignments. She also wants to make sure the levels of outcomes reflect the levels of your curriculum, from simple to complex. How will you approach this task?
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 2 Discussion
DQ1 Reliability and Validity of Grading
The dean visits the Curriculum Committee and has a concern because students have been complaining that the grading in the Level 2 medical-surgical course is unfair. They say a student’s grade on a paper is dependent on which faculty member does the grading. What would you recommend to the faculty to improve the reliability and validity of their grading? In what way is this problem an ethical and legal issue?
DQ2 Competency-Based Assessment
The university has identified several general education competencies for the college graduate, such as critical thinking, information literacy, communication ability, and mathematical ability. The Curriculum Committee decides to review its outcome statements for the nursing curriculum and provide comparable competency statements for nursing graduates. Dr. Stewart asks the committee members to meet and each bring a definition of competency, comparing competency statements with outcome statements. Then she asks each member to identify and defend at least two priority competencies for graduates of the BSN. What will you bring to the meeting? Include your reasoning for this decision.
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 3 Discussion
DQ1 Legal and Ethical Issues
The dean points out to the Curriculum Committee that developing curriculum is rife with legal and ethical issues, particularly when examined from the point of view of the school’s stakeholders. Who are these stakeholders, and what do you think would be important legal and ethical issues?
DQ2 Assessing Program Outcomes
As a committee, your dean has challenged you to demonstrate the extent to which your students are meeting the following Program Outcomes.
Provide holistic care based on knowledge from the arts and sciences.
Collaborate with other healthcare members to provide evidence-based nursing care.
Communicate effectively in all modalities.
Use critical thinking in clinical situations.
Consider legal and ethical aspects of nursing care.
Select one outcome, and recommend at least two ways faculty could assess whether students have met those outcomes. Discuss an advantage and a disadvantage of each of these assessment methods.
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 4 Discussion
DQ1 Multiple Choice vs. Other Forms of Testing
Faculty members at Chamberlain favor multiple choice questions in their courses. Why do you think this is true? What should the Curriculum Committee say and do to encourage the faculty to use other forms of testing?
DQ2 Test Blueprints
Based on student complaints about examinations at all levels, the Curriculum Committee decides that it is time to adopt the use of test blueprints. Convince the faculty that all this work will be advantageous for students and faculty alike. What are some advantages and disadvantages of using test blueprints? Can you think of any other uses for these assessment planning tools?
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 5 Discussion
DQ1 Test Banks
One of the Curriculum Committee members proposed using only the test banks that come with the program’s textbooks. How should the Curriculum Committee respond? How do you plan to develop your own test banks for your courses?
DQ2 Item Analysis
Students are protesting several questions on a unit examination. To address their concerns ethically, how should the faculty analyze their exams? What are important components of item analysis, and what is your philosophy on handling questionable test items?
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 6 Discussion
DQ1 Letter Grades Versus Pass-Fail in Clinical Grading
In reviewing the curriculum, the Curriculum Committee faces one of the most difficult issues for undergraduate nursing faculty: how to grade clinical performance. As a committee member, do you favor giving letter grades for clinical experiences, or are you in favor of using pass or fail grades only? How are formative and summative assessment related to this issue?
DQ2 Regulation and Accreditation
Since you and Dr. Becker are new to the Curriculum Committee, you need to become familiar with the regulation and accreditation of nursing programs. What are the differences between educational regulation and accreditation, and what are each looking for? Who is responsible for each function? Finally, what is the role of the U.S. Department of Education in overseeing higher education?
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 7 Discussion
DQ1 Preparation for the NCLEX® Exam
The Curriculum Committee is struggling with another issue in nursing education. The dean is very concerned about achieving a high NCLEX® pass rate; though, so far your school is above 90%.
Think outside the box. Recognizing that part of your plan will be to offer students standardized exams, what are additional methods you can use to prepare students for the NCLEX® exam? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using these methods in comparison to using standardized examinations? Please read this document before tackling this discussion question.
National League for Nursing (2010). High stakes testing. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
DQ2 Systematic Evaluation Plans
Your school is getting closer to the reaccreditation visit, and you are hearing a lot about the BSN systematic evaluation plan. What are the components of the systematic evaluation plan, how is it used to assure that the needs of the school’s stakeholders are met, and why should faculty be involved in its development?
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 8 Discussion
The Faculty Role in Assessment and Evaluation
Now that you have served on a Curriculum Committee, describe your future roles in learning assessment, overall program evaluation, and communicating with important stakeholders.
How will you use the concepts you have learned in this course to identify, guide and evaluate your final MSN practicum project?