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Many places of employment have already begun to use health promotion strategies within their company culture and have reaped the many benefits of a healthier staff. In this Health Journal, you will think about health promotion strategies you can implement in your own environment to support your Week 1 goal achievement.

Write a double-spaced half-page Journal that answers the following questions:
Explain how your working or learning environment ? this could be your workplace or school setting – influences the behavioral goal (Lose Weight, Eat Healthy). you set in Week 1. ANSWER: I work from home and have more access to eat whenever I want. I sit down all day and forget to get up and stretch when I’m woking hard. Sometimes it’s difficult not to snack. I have to be more concious of eating fruits and vegetables for snacks.
Discuss 2-3 influences, either positive or negative. ANSWER: My husband is a positive influence because he reminds me of my goals and makes positive suggestions besides the choices of food I am making. Having snacks for the children is a negative influence because it tempts me to want it. I have to be extra strong and pick up a carrot and dip or some fresh brocoli. I am learning how to meal prep and also find healthier recipes that are tasty.
Based on the influences, what are two changes (e.g., changes to barriers or obstacles to overcome) that you could implement to your work or school schedule so that you can better reach your health goal? ANSWER: I can purchase healthy snacks and keep them on hand so I am not tempted. i have researched how there are so many different types of snacks with indulges we like.
Describe any progress or challenges relevant to your goal (Lose Weight, Eat Healthy). that you set in Week 1. ANSWER: I have been consistant with my excersice plan. I have been feeling much better but have not gotten on the scale yet.
Assignment must follow the 1000-level Academic Writing Expectations (AWE), including having organized paragraphs, contain few writing errors, and include citations and a reference list if resources are used.

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