Typed, double spaced. Standard font and margins.
Length4-5 pages of analysis, or 1000-1300 words.
Upload as a docx, PDF, or RTF to the assignment Dropbox in Moodle before the deadline.
Use quotations from the novel (at least 4-5) and make use of the module notes (at least 1 -2 quotes) to support claims and analysis.
Use parenthetical citations for the novel (65) and notes (1205 noir notes).
The novel title is italicized: The Big Sleep.
Make sure that on the paper’s separate title page this information is included:
Your name, date, course #, instructor name, and a title for for the essay (be practical and creative).
Create a catchy title, intriguing opening sentence, general intro, clear and detailed thesis. The thesis can be a How or Why question; or start the statement with While…, Although…, Despite…, If….,
Use a 2nd paragraph to define key terms, briefly summarize the plot or add background/context.
Design logical paragraphs, smooth transitions, and an appropriate conclusion.
No outside sources are needed, but if you do use any, they must be properly cited (MLA or APA) on a standard bibliography page.