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+1(978)310-4246 [email protected]

This assignment has a couple of aspects to it.
1) formal outline ( I have attached a file named outline which gives the requirements)
2) Power Point slides that need to have the talking points included for each slide.
3) The talking points are what I will be recording as I give the presentation the total talk time needs to be 8-10 minutes.

I have attached a PP presentation to be used as one of the sources to use to complete this assignment

Students will develop a presentation related to cultural messages in popular media. Students must select a commercial, advertisement, children’s book, magazine, television show, or movie and evaluate the messages about the cultural group involved or depicted, identifying the cultural norms that are emphasized, stereotypes, and expectations that are presented in these messages, and discussing these in the context of popular culture. Finally, students must relate this to course material. Students will create a picture-in-picture style presentation (showing your slides and a video of you presenting) and submit here using Studio.

Slides for this presentation should include:

Title Slide
Title of presentation and your name
Introduce media piece, including photo and link
If the media piece is a video, show the video (up to 2 minutes) in your presentation
Cite media piece
Introduce cultural group depicted in piece
Cultural Norms and Stereotypes
Identification of the messages about the cultural group depicted from the popular media piece – be sure to explain and justify this
Identification of the cultural norms, stereotypes and/or expectations identified in the media piece
Cite this information
Context and Impact
Discussion of the context of these messages in pop culture and the impact of these messages on the cultural group they depict
Course Connection
Use course material make the connection to concepts being discussed in class
Cite this information
Conclusion Slide
Reference Slide
Presentation Requirements

8-10 minute presentation
Picture-in-picture video
Simple and professional slide design (6 x 6 rule)
Citations in APA style (on each slide)
Reference slide in APA style
No reading directly off of slides or notes
Professional presentation (professional appearance and attire, slides and video clear and easy to see, good sound quality)
Assignment/Submission Instructions:

Create a formal outline and submit to the Cultural Messages Outline assignment
Create a slideshow using Powerpoint or Keynote and submit slides to the Cultural Messages Slides assignment
Create a picture-in-picture video of your presentation
Submit your video using Studio
Please let me know if you have questions or issues that would prevent you from completing this assignment. my e-mail address is [email protected]

Formal and Speaking Outlines
Formal Outline
The Formal Outline is a document that details your presentation. It is NOT a manuscript. It provides clear, concise ideas and a visual framework for your thoughts. This includes, your introduction, main points, support for main points, transitions, and conclusion. 
The abbreviated definitions of each part are included below. You may have more numbers/ letters than the ones listed, but you may NOT have less. You may add another level to any main point (see main point 1 for an example; adjust as appropriate to your presentation).

Formal outlines are in complete sentences. Outlines are typed with proper grammar, spelling and style, and include citations and a reference page.

Begin this process by developing your thesis statement and the main points that will support that statement. Then, support those points and develop your intro and conclusion.
1. Introduction (2-3 minutes)
?Opener Or Attention Getter
?Significance of topic
?Relevance to Audience
?Thesis and Preview (Tell your audience “the big picture”; give them a roadmap to their learning)  
2. Body
?Point One
oSupport material
?Point Two
oSupport material
?Point Three
oSupport material
3. Conclusion (2-3 minutes)
?Summary of topic and what was learned (what is the most important information the audience should take away?)
?End with a memorable statement
4. Reference list
Sample Formal Outline Download Sample Formal Outline
Speaking Outlines

In bold put the bullet points and underneath the bullet points what I will need to say when giving the presentation.

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