here is the instruction
Final Reflection: Reflect honestly on your work and goals for this course. Be Specific (not BS) and draw from your self-assessment sheets. Include your comments about what aspects of the course itself were 1) effective and helpful or 2) where you wish more time/resources were focused or you suggest improvements (be as specific as you can).o In your research and writing (papers and in-class), discuss your specific practice and progress this quarter in mastering the following six areas:1. Composing in more than one genre (annotated bibliography, literature review, academic argument, OpEd) by responding to rhetorical situations and genre conventions according to readers’ expectations and writers’ purposes.2. Asking questions and be guided by a strategic exploration of those questions in order to generate research topics and sustain meaningful inquiry.3. Locating relevant source material, evaluate its credibility, and cite it appropriately.4. Analyzing and synthesizing ideas in source material to produce projects that interpret and evaluate your own ideas and assumptions, as well as those of other writers.5. Applying strategies when composing, revising, or evaluating your own work that enable you to follow conventions of professional English, such as arrangement, language use, mechanics, or documentation style.6. Reflecting critically on how to apply your processes for writing and analysis to writing projects in other contexts, within and outside the university. (See below.) Remember, be specific: In what paper and how have you developed skills in the above areas? Has the focus, coherence, and effectiveness of your papers improved as a result? What brought success?What has improved, where are you still developing? What challenges remain to your development as a writer and how are you situated to address those challenges? Write new Writer’s Goals (refer your start of quarter list).