After 2 years of failure to make adequate yearly progress (AYP), the school in your district has been placed on the academic watch list. As someone who understands curriculum, you have been entrusted with the task of preparing a presentation to explain what AYP means, what the effects of being on the watch list are, and to make recommendations to improve the school. The meeting will be held next Tuesday and is open to the entire community. (Note: You may take on the role of administrator, teacher, parent, or simply concerned community member, but be sure to identify yourself as a part of your presentation.)
In your presentation, include PowerPoint slides you might use and give the entire text of the presentation in the presenter notes in PowerPoint.
Select a classroom, and describe the student population, its setting, and the subject that is to be taught. Complete the following:
Create a lesson plan based on the Common Core State Standards, national content standards, or state content standards. Refer to Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction for overall guidance. Be sure to include the following:
Transition into the lesson
Anticipatory set and motivation to learn
Purpose of the lesson
Instruction, checking for understanding, and feedback
Practice and feedback
Summary and transition out of the lesson
Motivation to transfer
Differentiate the content, process, or product for at least three different types of learners.
The plan should clearly define and describe the modifications that support the three learners’ needs and styles.
The lesson needs to use four or more instructional strategies discussed in the textbooks, chats, or other resources.
The instructional strategies should emphasize active and exploratory learning and can be associated with constructivism, cognitive learning theory, brain research, or specific differentiated instruction recommendations.
Each method can be used for one or more of the identified students.
The lesson plan should include a description of the strategies, how they should be implemented, rationale for their inclusion, and an evaluation format for determining effectiveness for student achievement.
The lesson should include a preassessment, postassessment, or optional rubric.
Please submit your assignment.