For this discussion assignment, students will focus on aging and the LGBT community. Before working on this assignment, make sure to read Section 5.3 Inequality Based on Sexual Orientation and Section 6.5 Problems Facing the Elderly.
First, watch the film Gen Silent, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. which is about the challenges of being both elderly and LGBT in the United States. If you cannot open the link here, I have also provided a link along with the other Module 3 links. You will notice that you will need to login to the library website and then “Sign-up” for Kanopy (which is one of the library database for films). If you don’t already have an account, you will need to create one to access the film. Here are instructions for Signing up for Kanopy.
Second, after watching the film write a discussion post answering the following questions: Describe some of the challenges individuals/families in the film face related to being LGBT in our society? Describe some of the challenges individuals/families in the film face related to aging in our society? How are aging and sexual orientation connected in the film? In your answer, include at least two facts from Chapter 5 and two facts from Chapter 6 , and make sure to include page numbers after each fact.