Albert Camus: life is ultimately meaningless and any attempt to find or give meaning to life must fail. Once we recognize this futility, we are freed from the anxiety or stress of searching for meaning. Despite the fact that human life has no meaning (nor even, perhaps, value), we should still live intensely moral lives as did Christian saints and other holy people. Select one of these three existentialist ideas and compose a short essay (900 – 1200 words) in which you discuss and provide your own opinion on that idea. Do you agree or not? Be sure to explain and defend your opinion. This essay should be entirely in your own words; do not cite any other author’s works. A well-written discussion will earn 3 or 4% bonus points toward your final grade. Less well-written discussions may earn 2%, 1%, or, for particularly poor submissions, 0 points.
Albert Camus: life is ultimately meaningless and any attempt to find or give meaning to life must fail. Once we recognize this futility, we are freed from the anxiety or stress of searching for meaning. Despite the fact that human life has no meaning (nor
by | Dec 17, 2021 | MLA, Philosophy
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