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An Evaluation of bank lending practices and credit management In Venezuela

Thesis: Venezuela?s bank lending practices and poor credit management, has led to the downfall of its economy.

Introduction: This last decade of Venezuela?s Economic progress.

Topic 1: Venezuela banking investments
The dependency on Venezuela natural resources and investments made with PDVSA Caribe?s Petrojam impacted the debt of Venezuela?s banking system.
-Volatile prices on global oil shares keeps their main source of revenue unpredictable
-Venezuela’s loans reached 34.9 Billion in 2019 in their oil company alone.
-Multiple Shareowners like Jamaica expropriated shares from PDV Caribe?s
Resource and other global companies discontinued existing agreements.

Topic 2:
United States sanctions on Venezuela restricts foreign currency
-Due to the history of corruption and illegal activities of profit United States put sanction on Venezuela’s Central Bank, Venezuela banks have difficulty turn on profits on exports and currency exchanges
?In August 2017, he issued E.O. 13808, which prohibited access to U.S. financial markets by the Venezuelan government, including PdVSA, with certain exceptions to minimize the impact on the Venezuelan people and U.S. interests.?
– U.S Department of treasury places sanctions on Moscow Based Bank that was supporting Venezuela Bank development.

Topic 3
Banking Regulations implemented on the people of Venezuela negatively impacts the progression of the economy
-Withdrawal limits implaced which discourages people from storing their money in banks which affects consumer spending.
-Cash payments only in the form of Dollars due to the hyperinflation
-No access to loans stops the development of people that can invest in businesses that drive innovation and productivity in the economy.

Solutions on best practices from previous history of other nations to rebuild their economy successfully. Observations on current data trends and policies to provide possible solutions.

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