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+1(978)310-4246 [email protected]

A series of recent citizen-generated cellphone video recordings of deadly encounters between police officers and unarmed African American males which has been covered extensively by social media and the news media has resulted in unprecedented scrutiny of law enforcement.

Some of the cases include:
1. On July 17, 2014, Mr. Eric Garner, a 350-pound African American man, was on a street corner in New York City selling “loosies,” which is the term used for selling one cigarette at a time.
2. At approximately 3:22 p.m. on November 22, 2014, Cleveland (Ohio) Police Officers were responding to a 911 call that someone had been taking a gun out of his waistband and pointing it at people in a local park. The dispatcher apparently did not pass on critical information that had been given by the person telephoning in the information that the “guy” was likely a juvenile and the gun was “probably fake.”
3. On April 4, 2015, A North Charleston, South Carolina, White Police Officer made a traffic stop of a vehicle with a broken taillight. The African American driver, Mr. Walter Scott, ran from the officer after a brief conversation. The two men ran into a park-like setting, and Mr. Scott continued to run when he was reportedly ordered to stop by the officer.
What is the police operational backlash in the above cases and other cases that have landed in the media spotlight? What does this do to the image of law enforcement? What does this do to the police-politic relationship? Are some communities now lawless and run by organized crime and gangsters since officers refuse to police these areas? There is both anecdotal and objective evidence to suggest that some police officers have made an informal decision to avoid becoming involved in situations in those parts of their community which have the potential to result in serious clashes. How does this dynamic influence police administration and how can a police administrator try and mend this broken trust between their department and the communities they serve?

Your main post (primary response) to be posted by Sunday at midnight. Failure to post will generate a failing grade for that DQ. After you post your main answer or main post you will be required to do two follow-up or response posts to your classmates, so there’s a minimum 3 posts total for each DQ.



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