The case study profile provides the opportunity for you to engage in a critical review of a particular interreligious encounter issue(s).
For the assignment, assume your audience has only a cursory understanding of the issue and is looking to you for guidance on how diverse voices (resources) can both complicate and contextualize responses to the issue. The goal of this assignment is twofold:
1. Critical Thinking
2. Communication and Presentation.
The case study provides the opportunity for an in-depth critical analysis of the various sources OR voices implicated in this interreligious encounter issue. For our purposes limit your voices to those sources included in the case study resources list – if available, include the case study video lecture or a scholarly source as one of the three voices considered. The profile asks you to synthesize and summarize the issue, consider contributions by each of three related voices before closing with your position on the issue supported with references to other lesson/course materials. Be critical yet respectful of each voice. In particular, you may indicate that the contributions each voice offers to the issue that may be limited or enhanced by the medium and/or intended audience for each source.
Review the “Critical Reading Techniques” tip sheet for additional guidance on how to complete a critical reading of a source. Also note the additional resources at the bottom of the tip sheet.
RELI 216 – Case Study Guidelines, Format and Profile Content 1 | P a g e
To hone your written communication and presentation skills, the case study assignment asks you to synthesize and then communicate your findings in a clear and concise manner. Clear thesis statements in the introduction and conclusion comments are also expected. Headings are optional but may be useful to identify each section of the case study. To meet this communication and presentation style requirement, it is important to take the necessary time to edit and proofread your material to avoid any spelling or grammar mistakes, and to ensure the material presented is coherent.
NOTE: Coherence,clarityofthought,clearintroductionandconclusionstatements,and correct spelling, grammar and sentence structure are all expected elements within academic writing. These elements are not graded separately, but the quality of each can either enhance or detract from the final grade assessment.
As this is an academic exercise it is also required that any reference to materials used in your discussion include direct references to the source.
For more information on Academic Code infractions, what Plagiarism is and why citing your sources is required visit the following links:
· Concordia Academic Code: http://www.concordia.ca/students/academic-integrity.html
· Library “Why Cite” page: http://library.concordia.ca/help/citing/?guid=why
· Watch this short video (1:53) prepared by Illinois State University: http://guides.library.illinoisstate.edu/citing/whycite
Additional guidance for citations, including examples, are listed on page 4 below.
RELI 216 – Case Study Guidelines, Format and Profile Content 2 | P a g e
· 5 pages double spaced at 12 pt. font excluding title and reference page. upload as a word document (.doc or .docx or .rtf) to allow for track changes grade comments
· NO TITLE PAGE – Instead, ensure the profile has at the top of the first page a title that
identifies the Case Study Topic, your name and student ID #
1. Introduce and state the basic religious encounter issue(s) to be examined. The case study title
is a good place to start with describing the issue. Work also with how the theme is discussed within the Case Study video lecture or other lesson video or podcast lectures or resources. Cite your sources.
2. Offer a profile (summary) of at least three voices (selected sources) within the lesson case study resources/lesson resources that have responded to the issue. If available, include the Case Study video lecture or at least one scholarly source as one of the voices profiled. Cite all sources.
3. From the above, prepare your position on the encounter issue that identifies the key concerns/issues/challenges/future directions. Support your position by comparing and contrasting the case study voices examined with additional related course materials. (Course materials may include video lectures, podcasts, guest interviews, connect sessions, readings, web resources, discussion boards – citations required). Include a conclusion statement.
1. Case Study communication style will be assessed as academic work. That is, spelling, grammar and overall coherence and clarity are expected elements. These elements are not graded separately, but each can either enhance or detract from the final grade assessment.
2. Avoid grade reductions by taking time to edit and proofread your assignment to correct any grammar or spelling mistakes.
RELI 216 – Case Study Guidelines, Format and Profile Content 3 | P a g e
1. As with any academic writing exercise, ensure you provide both in-text citations and a full bibliography for all sources referenced in your case study.
2. To cite your information properly, please use the Chicago Style – Author/Date formula for in- text citations and bibliography. Here is an example using sources from lesson 1:
The in-text citation for a reference to the Gary Kessler reading would look like this: (Kessler 2008, 4).
(place the in-text citation before the closing period so it is identified with the sentence).
The bibliography entry would look like this:
Kessler, Gary. E. 2008. “Thinking about Being a Student of Religion”. In Studying Religion: An Introduction Through Cases – Third Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. pp. 1-13.
If the author of a source referenced has two last names be sure to include both: e.g. (Lamoureux Scholes, 2016)
3. In-text citations should be included at the end of the first sentence where you introduce a source. For example, in each of the sections introducing specific voices, the first sentence where the source is identified needs an in-text citation at the end of the sentence. If there are sentences that include direct quotes or paraphrase statements, also include an in-text citation with a page number or time code to direct your reader to the exact location in the source. If the paragraph profiling the voice does not include direct quotes or paraphrases, you can add a second in-text citation at the end of the paragraph. This indicates to the reader that the material between the first citation and the last are related to the same source.
4. Use the Chicago citation style guide for these assignments. See the Chicago Style ‘Quick Guide’ at the library Help page for citing. http://library.concordia.ca/help/citing/
Video information:
Yoga in the west migration of many indians
Dr. Laurie lamoureux: A conversation about Hinduism in the west and how yoga as a hindu practice has journeyed or transformed itself within western context
Hinduism tends to be grounded in india and does not have any specific missionary mandate . however in modern period advancement in communication and access to travel has resulted in migration of many indians and hinduism to countries throughout the world in particular the practice of yoga has a complex pathway into western culture.
Dr. Laurie Lamoureux: The article by suzanne newcombe offers some insights about how scholars define this journey. How would you characterize nucomes account of scholarly understanding of yoga in the west?
Dr. Leslie orr: Newcombes article is good in terms of showing us how what we might new yoga has its roots in india in 19th and early 20th century india of yoga as not something that the occasional wondering yogi was practicing but rather that something that ordinary middle class people could do in terms of advancing health, the basic aspect of new yoga we wanna think about is the focus on on the postures whereas yoga as a whole is a philosophical system, it has very deep history. This kind of Taking off on new yoga which focuses on physical as something that is spiritual and not necessarily hindu as such is something that has root in india itself and newcomes shows that very well. He shows how that Intersex in 60th 70th 80th in north america we have indian teachers coming to north american , we have alot of western people going to india like the beatles and there is this encounter that happens with traffic moving both ways in which there is just a lot of interest canoeage, turn to the east, the increasing wealth of people both in north america and india continuing to contribute to the blossoming the flourishing of this idea of practice. I think She does a good job and she points out the scholarly literature on this is just exploding, there is so much new interest in this that goes along with the fact that popularity of yoga in west and the fact of popularity of yoga in india. This celebration of the new yoga that is going to benefit all of india somehow.
Dr laurie lamoureux: Yoga practice itself within western context, is it a missionary exercise or cultural a procreation or both?
Dr leslie ore; I dont think its a missionary enterprise i know it is a kind of fear some christians who see this as a the thin edge of the wedge of turning christian americans into hindus somehow that indian people have promoted it. Have first of all not really built it as being hindu so much and has been encouraged to go west and bring it west by western students who have flot to the centers in india to practice with the indian teachers there. I think it is the popularity is coming along on a wave of western enthusiasm rather than a surgent indian missionary activity.