Write A 4 Page Essay About Descartes’s 6th Mediation Where He Argues That A Person Is A Union Of Mind And Body.
I: Introduce the topic. The topic is on Descartes’s 6th mediation where he argues that a person is a union of mind a body.
Tell the reader what it means for a person to be a union of mind and body.
Tell the reader what exactly you will be doing in your paper. What is your paper about?
Remember: You are writing a critical paper. In the 6th
mediation, Descartes presents an argument that a person is a union of mind and body. You will be criticizing that argument.
II: Thesis Statement: It should be something like this: I will argue in my essay that Descartes argument that a person is a union of mind an body is
III: Exposition:
State Descartes’s argument. Write out each premise of the argument.
For instance:
Premise 1: My mind is indivisible
Premise 2: My body is divisible
Conclusion1: My mind and my body are distinct
Conclusion2: I am a union of mind and body.
Provide full discussion of each of the premises. That is, tell the reader why a
reasonable person might accept each of the premises.
Tell the reader why we should think the mind is indivisible. What does it
mean to say that the mind is indivisible? It seems the mind is made up of
parts. The mind seems to consist of the intellect, emotions, imagination,
memory, sense perception, language, etc.
If it is made up of parts, then, couldn’t the parts be separated? If it can be
divided up into parts, then, isn’t it divisible? It seems so.
Why does Descartes think that it is still indivisible. What does he have in
Certainly the body is divisible. But, isn’t that because it has parts? If that is
the reason for saying the body is divisible, how do we then say the mind is
IV: Criticism:
Identify the weakest part of Descartes’s argument. That is, identify the
weaker of the two premises. Then, provide the strongest objection you can
think of against that premise. [Whichever of the two premises you decide to
attack, keep your focus on only that premise.]
I recommend you raise one objection. This is a short paper. You will not
have space to develop more than one objection. [Remember: In order to
take down an argument, you only need to take down one of its premises].
Then, respond, on Descartes’s behalf, to the objection you raised against his
argument. What would Descartes say in response to your objection to his
argument. He better have something to say. Make the response, on his
behalf, as strong as possible.
Then, response to that. What is your response to his response?
V: Conclusion:
Sum up what you take to be the lesson of your paper. That is, sum up for
the reader what he or she is supposed to have learned from having read
your paper.
You should have offered one original idea or insight in your paper. Tell us
what that original idea or insight is.
Your criticism of Descartes’s argument should be original with you. Tell the
reader what new idea you have introduced into this topic.