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Fake news websites are purposefully designed to appear like real news. However, they lack the expected standards of a real news source. The information presented in the fake news article usually attracts readers and is based on “hot topics” like vaccination injury. It is important to know that the information presented is completely false. Fake news can spread rapidly when shared in social media and can have significant negative consequences. Nurses engage in social media and it has become a part of our daily routine and lifestyle. Therefore, it is essential that nurses are able to identify fake news and only share accurate and real information. Fake news travels fast in the social media and nurses need to prepare themselves to address patient concerns that may arise due to false information presented in social media. One would ask why such news is created. It is important to know that the primary purpose of these sites is to attract as many visitors as possible to maximize revenue from selling advertisement space.

Methods for Detecting Fake News:

Please read the following articles and watch the video:

Berghel, H. (2017). Lies, Damn Lies, and Fake News. Retrieved from

Spencer, J. (2016, December 6). Helping Students Identify Fake News with the Five C’s of Critical Consuming [Video file]. Retrieved from

Zhang, X., & Ghorbani, A. A. (2019, March 20). An overview of online fake news: Characterization, detection, and discussion. Information Processing and Management.


Based on your readings, search for a fake news article related to a particular health topic that may have a negative impact on nursing practice (Published within the last 5 years). Develop a power-point presentation demonstrating the process on how you detected that the article is fake and its impact on general public anursing. Organize your PowerPoint presentation using the following slide headings.

Title of the Article & Authors.

Fake News Content: (What content did the article present?)

Method of Detection (Based on assigned readings, how did you detect that is it fake?)

Potential Impact on General Public and Relevance.

Potential Impact on Nursing Practice and Relevance.

References with APA citations (Minimum 3)

** Maximum 10 slides including the title and reference page and only two pictures.

You dont have to do the powerpoint, however it can be answered in a way that I can put in the slides, by bullet points or short sentences. Thank you

Please send the attached article Assignment # 2- Detection of Fake Health News (Presentation)

Topics Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations well Meets Expectations Adequately Does Not Meet Expectations
Title, Citations & Style
(20 points) 20 Points
The title slide contains the full title of the article, the authors and APA citation. Writing Style is Professional with no grammatical errors. 18 Points
The title slide is missing one information item related to title, authors and APA citation. Writing style has few grammatical
errors 15 Points
The title is present but the authors or citation is missing. More than 2 grammatical, typing and syntax error noted. 5 Points
Title, missing authors and incorrect APA citation. Multiple grammatical, typing and syntax errors noted.
Fake News Content (20 Points) 20 Points
The slides present at least three pertinent
items of information related to the article 18 Points
The slides present only two pertinent
items of information related to the article. 15 Points
The slides present only one pertinent
item of information related to the article. 5 Points
The slides present some content not related to the article.
Method of detection (20 Points) 20 Points
The method used for detection was relevant 18 Points
The method used was somewhat relevant 15 Points
Some method was used. 5 Points
Method used was irrelevant.
Potential Public Impact (20 Points) 20 Points
The potential impact identified on general
public identified is relevant. 18 Points
The potential impact identified is
acceptable but missing relevance 15 Points
The potential impact identified is minimal 5 Points
The potential impact identified is irrelevant
Potential Nursing Impact
(20 Points) 20 Points
The potential impact identified on Nursing Practice is relevant. 18 Points
The potential impact identified on Nursing Practice is acceptable but
missing relevance 15 Points
The potential impact identified on Nursing Practice is minimal 5 Points
The potential impact identified is irrelevant
Total Points 100 90 Points 75 Points 25 Points

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