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DIGM2325 – Information Technology Applications for Digital Media
Rubric – DIGM 2325 Case Study Assignments:
This rubric will be used to assess the student?s ability to
1. identify and make use of the key, required components of data mining tools
2. utilize data mining tools to satisfy specific scenarios
3. identify essential information then verbally and visually present it.
Excellent – 21 to 25 points
Good – 11 to 20 points
Poor – 0 to10 points
Organization and
? All Topics/questions are
? All Topics/questions are
? All issues are not addressed
? Presentation lacks logical flow
addressed, exceeding
? The requested format has been
followed or bettered
? The presentation is attractive
and clear with appropriate,
spelling, grammar, fonts, font
sizes, graphics, etc.
? The requested format has been
? The presentation is clear,
of reasoning
? Style and format is difficult to
reason or follow
appropriate spelling, grammar,
fonts, font sizes and graphics
? The proper file naming
convention has been used
? The proper file naming
convention has been used
Demonstration of
Analytical Skills
? The identified tools have been
used creatively, and there is
evidence that they have been
explored to discover all possible
? The identified tools are used
? Multiple information sources
are identified and utilized
? There is no evidence that the
required tools are used
? No evidence of outside research,
answers are only filling space on
the page
? Multiple information sources, in
addition to the highlighted tool,
have been identified, utilized and
? It is clear the goal of the
question is understood, and
the discovery and solutions
addressed. Relevant information
not directly requested is
? It appears that the goal of the
question is understood
? Solutions/objectives are met
? The desired result is not
understood and achieved, the
information presented does not
provide a solution or answer
? Objectives not met
? Solutions/objectives are met
and go beyond expectations
? The market is defined, and
solutions are focused on the
appropriate needs.
? The audience/market is
understood from all perspectives
? Appropriate images/charts/
grafts provided and helpful
Total Points
? The market is adequately
? The audience/client is
? Support graphics are
? The market is not defined
? The audience/client is not
? The information and visuals are
not useful to the question
Student Name
Case Study 01 Proposal Letter: USPS Pizza Coupons
Name of the Pizza Shop You Pick
00000 Address, Ste 300, Sugar Land, TX 77478
Dear Pizza Shop Owner,
I Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla feugiat in dui eu lacinia. Nulla
maximus mauris a diam hendrerit, vel faucibus massa ullamcorper. Duis pretium urna mi, vitae
sagittis mi bibendum at. Phasellus cursus justo id neque malesuada sagittis. Suspendisse placerat at
dui ac finibus. Nullam semper quis nulla ac sagittis. Mauris at quam non velit sagittis varius. In
ornare purus odio, ut tincidunt nisi condimentum ut.
Sed pharetra scelerisque tellus. Praesent pulvinar neque magna, eu rutrum dolor lobortis nec.
Donec tincidunt ullamcorper ornare. Phasellus egestas, nisi ac cursus pellentesque, lectus magna
rutrum leo, vel vestibulum odio erat sit amet felis. Sed accumsan purus et enim consectetur
Maecenas purus nisi, maximus vel risus nec, pulvinar cursus quam. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi dictum odio et molestie
interdum. Ut vulputate diam quis nulla pharetra rhoncus. Integer at purus lobortis, lobortis ipsum
ut, pharetra metus. Aenean euismod porttitor dui, a dictum augue laoreet id.
1. What days and hours his coupons are honored (focusing on when he is not busy now,
Pellentesque habitant et malesuada fames ac
turpis egestas. Nam elementum feugiat sem vel feugiat. Morbi dictum odio et molestie
interdum. Mauris nec sagittis ex. Nullam sit amet dapibus ligula. In porttitor lacus nec enim
venenatis maximus. Ut vulputate diam quis nulla pharetra rhoncus. Integer at purus
lobortis, lobortis ipsum ut, pharetra metus. Aenean euismod porttitor dui, a dictum augue
laoreet id.
2. Additional ?Contribution? to his bottom line for every additional pizza they sell ? from
redeemed coupons.
In porttitor lacus nec enim venenatis maximus Pizza for $x, which is a $x discount from $xx,
your additional income is $x.xx. Your integer at purus lobortis, lobortis pizza are $x.xx (for
the pizza materials), plus $x.xx ($.xx for delivery plus $.xx for ea. coupon itself = $.xx X xx =
$x.xx). Your additional costs are $x.xx plus $x.xx = $x.xx total cost.
Your marginal profit for each pizza sold would be $x minus $x.xx which $x.xx.
3. Based on your expected total cost of mailing 1,000 coupons to a target zip code near his
worst-performing pizza shop, how many pizzas, at your suggested discount price, need to
be sold.
Nam elementum feugiat sem vel feugiat. Morbi dictum odio et molestie interdum our cost
of mailing to $xxx.xx. The cost of printing those xxxx coupons is $xx.xx. So on total our cost
of expenses is $485.11. Morbi dictum odio et
molestie interdum $x discounted pizzas Morbi dictum odio et molestie interdum hours of
Monday-Thursday t Morbi dictum odio et molestie interdum xx pizzas.
4. Is there a maximum no. of EDDM postcards you may mail/day into a single zip code?
When you click this link,
Maecenas purus nisi, maximus vel risus nec, pulvinar cursus quam. Pellentesque habitant
morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi dictum odio
et molestie interdum. Ut vulputate diam quis nulla pharetra rhoncus. Integer at purus
lobortis, lobortis ipsum ut, pharetra metus. Aenean euismod porttitor dui, a dictum augue
laoreet id.
EDDM Retail Features:
? A great EDDM feature that needs to be mentioned.
? A great EDDM feature that needs to be mentioned.
? A great EDDM feature that needs to be mentioned.
? A great EDDM feature that needs to be mentioned.
? A great EDDM feature that needs to be mentioned.
? A great EDDM feature that needs to be mentioned.
5. What USPS forms will you need to fill-out and become familiar with?
The USPS forms that need filling will also be in this webpage: Under EDDM Customer support, you
can see that the forms that need are the Retail Facing Slip with Carrier Route Information,
the Retail PS Form, the Retail Fact Sheet, and the Retail Indicia Image.
EDDM Retail Specific Forms:
? EDDM Retail type of form you will need ClickHere-PDF
? EDDM Retail type of form you will need ClickHere-PDF
? EDDM Retail type of form you will need ClickHere-PDF
? EDDM Retail type of form you will need ClickHere-JPG
Student Name
Case Study
USPS Discounts ? for Small Businesses
By Sid Chadwick
To make extra spending money at U. of H., you learned of several ?pizza chains?
serving the area. From one of your required courses, you also learned that there
are significant USPS discounts available for targeted postcard mailings, to be
found at (a.k.a. Every Door Direct Mail).
In thinking about the ?business model? for a pizza shop, you realize from class
discussions that significant costs are ?fixed?. That is to say, they are incurred,
whether or not a single pizza is sold. Examples include rent, equipment payments,
electricity, insurance, minimum franchisee payments, and even a minimum
amount of labor ? should a pizza need to be produced.
It?s also your observation that pizzas are sold more predictably during certain
hours of the 24 hour day (e.g., dinner hour, and between 2nd and 3rd shifts at
night), certain evenings of the week (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), and seasons
(e.g., exam time) — but not on an ?even straight-line production basis?.
Your thoughts: if a pizza shop business model can develop customer incentives to
produce and sell pizzas above ?fixed costs? — during ?off hours? ? you may have
found a way to significantly improve a pizza chain?s profitability?!
Armed with that understanding, you?ve approached a pizza chain owner, and
asked if he?d be interested in ?hiring you? ? to ?test? the influence of ?Coupons for
his company?s pizzas ? delivered from USPS EDDM discounts — for postcards? ?
to improve his company?s profitability.
Specifically, you?ve asked him to allow you to develop a Plan for his worst
performing pizza shop ? not his best ? to see if results indicate such a program
has merit.
The pizza chain owner appears to be shrewd: he?s offered to pay you in pizzas,
rather than cash..! This lowers his cost of your services, and provides you with
potential income from your friends ? if they?ll pay you for the pizzas you earn.
From discussions, you?ve learned
and determined:
1. The material (variable) cost of a $10.00 retail pizza, including box, is $1.80
(labor is already paid for as part of fixed costs).
2. The USPS cost of a postcard mailing ? is $.191 per piece, for a 1,000 piece
mailing, in a single zip code, near his worst performing pizza shop.
3. The cost of the postcard, from a local, small commercial shop, including
proofing, printing and paper, is $.04 — in quantities of 1,000 minimum,
(Note: your commercial printer is willing to ?work with you? — as
business is slow, and this represents potential long-term repeat business
? from multiple pizza shops of the owner.)
4. Break-Even Points might be symbolized by an Equation:
?BEP = Fixed Costs/Contribution Margin?
5. To Determine a ?fixed cost? for such a program, add-up all your costs to
produce and deliver an EDDM postcard for your pizza chain owner. (You
may even use different quantities.) Then work-up different prices, to show
different quantities that must be sold — to break-even, or — hopefully,
turn a profit.
Complete the tasks below and turn them into Blackboard. It would be wise to consult
the rubric and check out the submission template before starting before you submit
your work.
Your Pizza Chain Owner has asked you to
work-up a Proposal showing:
1. What days and hours his coupons are honored (focusing on when he is
not busy now, historically).
2. Additional ?Contribution? to his bottom line for every additional pizza they
sell ? from redeemed coupons.
3. Based on your expected total cost of mailing 1,000 coupons to a target
zip code near his worst-performing pizza shop, how many pizzas, at your
suggested discount price, need to be sold.
4. Is there a maximum no. of EDDM postcards you may mail per day into a
single zip code?
5. What USPS forms will you need to fill-out and become familiar with?
Extra Credit:
Is there an efficient way to ?code? the postcards turned-in for pizzas ? with
recipients names ? even with EDDM ? that allows you to improve your next round
of postcard responses for a lower Break-Even Point?.?
Additional Resources:
1. Watch the Video on the website, listed as: ?Watch the
Advertise with EDDM?
2. Most commercial printing and packaging companies are not aware that
additional discounts and negotiations are available for products to be
mailed ? that do not ?fit? standard USPS regulations. Such an option
provides a distinct advantage for a supplier who makes use of this
3. Extra Credit: To obtain special USPS pricing, call 877-747-6249, known as
?National Support?.
For credit, you must have the full name of the person you talked to and the
phone number where they can be reached, included with the answer.

Purchase answer to see full

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