Chapter 5: Language
Discuss the contemporary global prevalence of the English language,citing specific statistics from the text.
Why/how is the English language is the United states so different from that England/Britain?
Explain the rise and subsequent decline in global significance of the Russian Language during the 20th century.
Summarize the key points in the origin and diffusion of the Romance languages.
Explain the characteristics of a creole language.
Compare/ contrasts the situation with Hebrew as a “revived language” with that of the Celtic family as “preserved languages”.
What is an isolated language? Provide at least one example.
Distinguish between Franglais, Spanglish, and Denglish, citing examples and specific information for each.
Chapter 7: Ethnicity
Compare/contrast the geographical concentrations of the four US ethnicities used as case studies in your text (i.e where are they located, where are they not &why?)
Provide a summary overview of what your text outlined as the 3 distinct phases of African American migration patterns.
Discuss the “separate but equal” doctrine from US history and how it was implemented.
Provide an overview of division by race in South Africa several decades ago, using/defining the term aparthied in your discussion.
What is nationalism? Use/define centripetal force in your discussion
what is the nation-state? Provide examples (as noted in the text) and explain why they may or may not be perfect examples of the concept.
Your text noted two basic categories concerning why ethnicities can clash. Discuss and provide at least 1 detailed example of each. .
Explain in detail why Russia was described as the largest multinational state.
What is balkanization? From what source is the term derived? what are the historical and current concerns related to balkanization?