NUR 4775 ~ Applications in Evidence-Based Practice for BSNs
Ch. 1 & 2 Development of Nursing Research and Intro to EBP Discussion
In the 1990s and 2000’s, the use of research in practice was making it’s debut. EBP began to be seen as a quality and safety improvement plan in healthcare.
In 2003, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) mandated that “all health professionals be educated to deliver patient-centered care as members of the interdisciplinary team, emphasizing evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement approaches, and informatics” (p. 3).
Somewhere in there, it was identified that nurses are an important partner in implementing EBP, and this initiative came to the forefront of our practice. Along with this, it was identified that nurses needed to learn how to implement EBP ~ which lead to the realization that nursing education needed to address the important challenge of incorporating EBP into nursing curricula. “How was it identified?” Ahh…the research…
This module offers a broad introduction to the use of EBP.
We will explore what makes up nursing research.
We will review some of the foundational, international attitudes of nursing students towards EBP.
We will also explore our “belief in” and/or willingness to implement evidence-based practice.
And lastly, we will take a closer look at the research, how it is conducted, and how it is presented in the literature.
Much of nursing’s research has been in the quantitative realm, but more recently, the qualitative research has gained respect.
This week’s discussions cover a broad base so be sure to read your peers’ postings as well.
Discussion Prompt Options:
Choose ONE of the three prompts. (Ideally, there will be a wide variety and you can learn from each others’ posts. Though you are required to respond to one other learner, you are very welcome to participate in multiple conversations. Only 1 needs to have the rubric requirements ~ just enjoy being part of this unique community!)
1. From the articles below/or do your own search of one qualitative and one quantitative article on a particular topic (Articles 1 & 2 below meet specifications and serve as examples, but feel free to choose a topic of your choice!). Identify how the authors approach research differently. (Incorporate this week’s textbook reading on qualitative and quantitative research into this comparison.) Summarize your interpretation of the articles’ findings in a succinct paragraph.
2. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has long since guided the futural direction of healthcare. Back in 1980’s, the IOM recommended that nursing research be included in the mainstream of biomedical and behavioral science, and found nursing research activities to be relevant to the mission of the National Institute of Health (NIH) which evolved into the establishment of the National Center for Nursing Research (NCNR). In 1993 ~ the NCNR became the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR).
Visit the National NINR website. Explore the site, including their mission and strategic plan. and note their funding opportunities and research priorities for this year. Analyze if any of them could be used to address the importance of outcomes research. Also click on the news & information section and go to the directors’ lectures series (Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). Choose ONE of the lectures that interests you (all of them have links to YouTube), critically review as a research presentation, and summarize the presentation. (these presentations are about 1 hr. so you can plan your time accordingly)
3. Visit the Agency for Healthcare research and Quality (Link) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Explore the site, their mission and budget link. Choose one of the articles on patient safety (some are listed under the “research” tab) that they provide reference to. Summarize the findings, implication to practice and your perception of these findings. Make sure you provide the reference information or upload the article for your peer to review if they choose to respond to you. (If you respond to someone who has a provided a summary & their perception of an article, make sure you review the article first!) You may find it useful to sign up for their weekly updates on the research that is being generated: Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
One article example is: Hassmiller, S.B. (2018). Nurses Leading Change to Advance Health. Journal For Nurses in Professional Development. 34(1):49–50, JAN 2018. DOI: 10.1097/NND.0000000000000416
Qualitative & Quantitative articles:
1. Betts, K. (2015). Bachelors of Science in Nursing students and qualitative analysis of their medication administration experiences. Journal of Education and Practice. Vol.7 (27). Betts,K. BSN Qual. Anal. of Med. admin. Experiences.pdfPreview the document
2. This article meets both requirements for qual. and quant. as it is a mixed methods article which has two arms: One qualitative and one quantitative:
Jones, j. & Treiber, L. (2018). More than 1 million potential second victims: How many could nursing education prevent? Nurse Educator (43)3: 154-157. Jones.J.potential second victims.pdfPreview the document
3. Lineberry, M., Whitney, E., Noland, M. (2018). The role of school nurse, challenges, and reactions to delegation legislature: A qualitative Approach. Journal of School Nursing, Jun;34(3):222-231. doi: 10.1177/1059840517741526. Lineberry.The Role of School Nurses, Challenges, and Reactions to Delegation Legislation- A Qualitative Approach.pdfPreview the document
4. Ryan E.J. (2016). Undergraduate nursing students’ attitudes and use of research and evidence-based practice – an integrative literature review. J Clin Nurs.;25:1548–56. Ryan-2016-Journal_of_Clinical_Nursing.pdfPreview the document
5. Florin, J., Ehrenberg, A., Wallin, L., & Gustavsson, P. (2012). Educational support for research utilization and capability beliefs regarding evidence-based practice skills: a national survey of senior nursing students. Journal of Advanced Nursing; 68(4): 888-897. Florin_et_al-2012-Journal_of_Advanced_Nursing-1.pdfPreview the document
6. Saunders, H. & Vehvilainen-Julkunen, K. (2016). The state of readiness for evidence-based practice among nurses: An integrative review. Journal of Nursing Studies, 56,128-140. Sauders et al (2018) The state of readiness for EBP among nurses.pdfPreview the document
7. Llasus, L., Angosta, A., Clark, M. (2014). Graduating baccalaureate students’ evidence based practice knowledge, readiness, and implementation. Journal of Nursing Education; Supplement 53, S82-9. Llasus, L.2014. Grad. BSN.Knowledge.readiness.implementation.pdfPreview the document
NUR 4775 ~ Applications in Evidence-Based Practice for BSNs
Ch. 3 & 4: Research Evidence & Ethical Issues Discussion
Two models that have been used to implement evidence-based guidelines in clinical settings include Stetler Model & the Iowa Model. The Stetler Model provides a framework to facilitate the use of research evidence in practice for individual nurses/healthcare institutions. The Iowa Model provides direction for the development of an EBP in a clinical agency with a built-in focus toward informing quality improvement. (Nieswiadomy & Baily,2018, pg.33).
We will be exploring these two models ~ but don’t be afraid to explore modifying these models or to develop your own!
Chapter 4:
Medical curiosity led to “research” early on, but at that time, ethics were not a serious consideration. Based on some rather disturbing history of research practices, ethics has become an integral part of of our current research practices.
Discussion Board Prompts: (This discussion board has 2 parts: SO, please choose one prompt from Part I and one prompt from Part II ~ Post them as one posting.)
Part I: Focuses on evaluating change in practice using implementation models
Choose one of the following prompts (In addition to one from Part II)
We will be looking at how research is being infused into the clinical setting:
Choose a research article. Summarize the article and evaluate an implementation plan based on the Stetler Model, identifying any barriers to implementation. OR
Choose a research article on quality. Summarize the article and develop a plan of implementation based on the steps of the Iowa Model, identifying any barriers to implementation.
Part II: Examines ethical issues related to conducting research.
Choose one of the following prompts (In addition to one from Part I)
Go to the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) website ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) and discuss briefly a case of misconduct currently under investigation. Give your opinion as to the process and/or outcome.
Explore the American Nursing Association website and and review its research guidelines. Compare them to the founding principles of ethical research listed in your text.
Review the document used by an institutional review board and determine how unethical behaviors are prevented.
Obtain an informed consent form from a nursing research study. Present it and identify if the basic 8 elements listed in your text are included.
Discuss whether you believe the issue of “euthanasia” or “right to die” lends itself to a research study. Defend your position based on the readings.
NUR 4775 ~ Applications in Evidence-Based Practice for BSNs
Ch. 5 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Discussion
There’s nothing quite like jumping in ~ and as you all have had a brief intro to research in NUR 3164, this should just be a bit of a refresher. So, after reading the assigned reading and viewing the PowerPoint, choose a research article as identified below.
Discussion Prompt:
With our aging population, research topics in the nursing field concerning issues faced by elderly patients are coming to the forefront.
Choose ONE research article of interest from a peer-reviewed journal that is no more than 3 years old. THIS ARTICLE WILL BE USED FOR THIS WEEK AND FOR RESEARCH MODULE 1.
Using the “Library Resources” tab to the left of this screen, select database-searching program such as CINAHL Complete (EBSCO), type the words quantitative research OR qualitative research and a topic that interests you involving the elderly patient (quantitative may be a disease such as diabetes, a procedure such as positioning, or a patient teaching such as colostomy irrigation, with qualitative, you may have something like the hypotheses: “Senior patients who have family visit them on a regular basis are less prone to depression than those who do not have regular visitors.” or “Patients who need long-term care and can’t continue with their previous commitments feel stress because of lack of control in their lives.” (these can be used but you are welcome to choose your own research topic to review):
Using your selected article, conduct a systematic review of the article using the research steps identified below (as from your text):
1. At the top of this assignment, Identify your topic and reference your article in APA format so others can find it to respond to it.
2. Identify the problem statement or research question identified in your research article
3. Identify if the article is quantitative or qualitative (how did you determine this?)
4. Identify the target and accessible population
5. Explain the limitations of the research study
6. Did your study use a pilot study before the research was conducted? If so, what did that involve?
7. Data: How/in what ways was data collected? How was data analyzed
8. If your article has a table, share one table that demonstrates how the research is organized and presented.
9. Review the interpretation section of the research article and summarize the identified implications and the recommendations to nursing practice
10. Give your impression/professional opinion on the implementation of these findings in your clinical setting.
NUR 4775 ~ Applications in Evidence-Based Practice for BSNs
Ch. 6 & 7: Identifying Research Problems & Reviewing the Literature Discussion
Follow the instructions under DISCUSSION BOARD RUBRIC and Discussion Guidelines and APA Tips to create your post and respond to at least one other student. Scholarly resources are expected.
Ch. 6 & 7: Identifying Research Problems & Reviewing the Literature Discussion
Ladies and gentlemen ~ To the left of your screen, under your home page is a new tab: B.S.Nursing Resources! This is probably one of the most exciting additions to our program ~ something I’ve been working on adding for almost a year! Thanks to a great deal of help from our library services, we now have a great resource to work through and to help guide you in discovering the evidence!
This week, please take some time to explore this resource, practice some searches experimenting with key words ~ notice which data bases are included that are primarily for nursing (Hint: Look under the “Acquire Evidence” tab ~ look through the data bases, including CINAHL, MEDLINE, & Cochrane Database of Systematic Review).
Discussion Prompt: After reading chapters 6 & 7, reviewing the PPTs and reviewing the B.S. Nursing Resource Tab, complete the following discussion prompt:
1. Write a problem statement using the format for writing problem statements from Chapter 6 on a patient care topic of your choice (you may want to start playing around with the topic you want to do a literature review on for your next research assignment), your problem statement should substitute different variables for the X and Y variables.
2. Conduct a data base search: Identify the key words and criteria you use to select an article that applies to your problem statement. Try the same search terms in the different data bases and see what you find in comparing the content and accessibility between nursing research databases.
After finding an article that applies to your research problem statement of the week. Identify what type of article this is, and then define that type (ie: Reference: “This is a white paper ~ A white paper is…”).
There are many different types of journal articles/website articles. Examples include:
“white papers”
“peer reviewed papers”
“grey papers”
“primary sources”
“secondary sources”
3. After reading the article:
Give the reference (article should be < 5 yrs old)
Summarize/synthesize the article in one paragraph and give your opinion if this is a good source of evidence.
Does the article site primary or secondary sources? (what are some ways to determine this?)
4. Please attach your article
NUR 4775 ~ Applications in Evidence-Based Practice for BSNs
Ch. 8 &9 Discussion: Middle Range Theory to Practice Theory & Hypotheses Formation
Having visited the grand theories, and being introduced to the concept of middle range theories, I would like to further introduce you to practice theories as the third level of nursing theories. The middle-range theories are an attempt to close the theory-practice gap, providing more concrete structure to nursing practice. However, there's one more level of narrowing the scope of application and that is practice theories. Practice theories (sometimes called micro theories) help to identify actual practice guidance for specific patient care situations.
But what YOU want, is just to know how to do your job better with better patient outcomes ~ So, how do we lay the ground work to find what you want.
FOR THIS DISCUSSION you will complete 1-4 but I have included 5 as that is your midterm project so just keep in mind that you will be using ALL of this info for your mid-term project. Please remember to give a response input to at least ONE of your peers.
1. Choose a problem or idea. Nursing research starts will the identification of a problem or an idea.
2. Write a hypotheses statement of the predicted relationship between two or more variables.
3. Conduct a literature search regarding this problem or idea ~ for the purpose of this assignment, look through the literature for a middle range theory that has been applied to a similar problem.
4. Choose a middle range theory and framework
5. Present your findings:
Description of the unpleasant symptom
Application of the theory to the symptom
Assessment and management
Example of 1-4
Problem: The problematic symptom of vertigo related to Meniere's disease
Hypothesis: There is a positive relationship between quality of life and managment of the symptom of vertigo through non-pharmacologic methods in adult patients diagnosed with Meniere's disease.
Theory: Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms (TOUS) This middle-range encompasses three major components: the symptoms an individual is experiencing, the three types of influencing factors affecting the experience, and the consequences of those symptoms, which may affect performance in both cognitive and functional activities.
TOUS Original Diagram
NUR 4775 ~ Applications in Evidence-Based Practice for BSNs
Ch. 10 & 11: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods Research Designs Discussion
After completing the reading and viewing the PPT, choose ONE topic to expand upon and choose a correlating article to demonstrate/use as an example of the topic you have chosen.
Discussion Prompt:
Choose ONE of the following TOPICS that was addressed in your reading: (Please limit your original post to 300 words, and your response to no more than 250 words) You may find you want to choose the article first ~ I have a list of 10 below that can be used to summarize and use as an example to help further your topic, but you can also choose your own research article ~ your choice! Please attempt to, as a group, address all 7 topics.
Summarize criteria for exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory research studies (After you summarize each of these types of research studies, choose an article to further expand on/explore that demonstrates ONE of these research studies. Reference your article in APA format.)
Distinguish between the types of internal and external validity and threats to each seen in experimental designs (Choose an article that you can summarize and focus on the internal/external validity section as an example of internal & external validity. Reference your article in APA format.)
Distinguish among true, quasi-, and pre-experimental designs (After you summarize each of these types of research designs, choose an article to summarize & further expand on to demonstrate an example of one of these research designs. Reference your article in APA format.)
Identify and give a brief summary of five types of non-experimental designs ( (After you summarize each of these types of non-experimental designs, choose a research article to summarize that further expands upon/explores ONE of these designs~ focus on the design. Reference your article in APA format.)
Summarize the important features of six common types of qualitative designs (Choose an article to further examine/explore and summarize for your peers as an example of one of these types of qualitative designs ~ focus on the design. Reference your article in APA format.)
Discuss the main principles and purposes that guide researchers to use more than one method (Summarize an article that demonstrates/explores using more than one method, focusing on the main principles the researchers may have had for using more than one research method. Reference your article in APA format.)
Describe the strategies a researcher might use in a mixed method study (Choose & summarize an article that demonstrates the use of mixed method research, focusing on the strategies used. Reference your article in APA format.)
Possible articles: (Feel free to research others if you would like, but please avoid systematic reviews and meta-analyses as these are "summaries" of the literature)
1.Need for Specialized Support Services for Nurse Victims of Physical Assault by Psychiatric Patients.pdfPreview the document
2. Moral Distress- A qual study of ED nurses.2016.pdfPreview the document
3. Pain control and nonpharmacologic interventions .2018.pdfPreview the document
4. Nursing Intuition as an Assessment Tool in Predicting Severity of Injury in Trauma Patients.2014.pdfPreview the document
6. Complexity of nursing care in acute care hospital patients-2015.Pilot Study.pdfPreview the document
7. The nursing role during end-of-life care in the intensive care unit related to the interaction between patient, family and professional- an integrative review.2019.pdfPreview the document
8. The effectiveness of a structured nursing intervention program on maternal stress and ability among mothers of premature infants in a neonatal intensive care unit.Ong_et_al-2019-Journal_of_Clinical_Nursing.pdfPreview the document
9. Jansson_et_al-2016-How do nurses and ward managers perceive that evidence-based sources are obtained to inform relevant nursing interventions? – an exploratory study. Journal_of_Clinical_Nursing.pdfPreview the document
10. Patients’ Perceptions of a Pressure Ulcer Prevention Care Bundle in Hospital.2017.pdfPreview the document
NUR 4775 ~ Applications in Evidence-Based Practice for BSNs
Ch. 12-14: Populations, Samples, Measurements & Data Collection Discussion
Identify a research article of your choice (try to avoid systematic reviews & meta-analyses), reference the article in APA format & ATTACH the article for review. Answer to following questions for the article:
A. Is this a qualitative or quantitative research article?
B. Identify the population and sample of your article. Applying the general guidelines presented in Box 12-1 of your text, which sampling procedure was used & how was the target/accessible population(s) obtained
C. Using this same article, identify the measurement instrument used (such as questionnaires, interviews, observation, etc.). Now, let's critique the data collection methods:
If it was a questionnaire:
Did the researchers develop their own instruments or did they used one that had been used before?
Was information provided on the number of questions, the length of the questionnaire and how long it would take to complete the questionnaire?
Was the response rate provided for the return of the questionnaires?
Were sampling biases discussed?
Was anonymity or confidentiality assured?
If it was interviews:
Was information provided on how long the interview would take?
Was information provided about training for the interviewers?
Was confidentiality assured?
If the research article used other methods:
Was the specific method identified?
Was the rationale for use of the method presented?
Was the instrument described in detail? ( Did they address: practicality, reliability, or validity?)
Was the scoring method clearly discussed?
D. Summarize the findings of your research article. Based on your text book readings, the PowerPoints and your professional opinion, do you believe that the researchers of your article did an effective job in choosing the best method/size of sampling, the best measurement instrument(s), and the best data collection method for the topic at hand? Explain your opinion in light of how these findings may be applied to the practice setting (is the evidence strong enough to support change? Does more research need to be done? etc.)