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One of the most effective strategies for planning is the implementation of the SWOT analysis. To better understand its use, conduct a personal SWOT analysis of yourself. Research the expectations of the professional position (Hosital Administrator or any Healthcare Management jobs) that you hope to obtain. Determine what some of the key requirements are for such a position. Then, evaluate yourself against your findings.

Here are some questions you may ask yourself:


What professional skills do I have? (self-motivating, emotional intelligence, leadership, organization, and openness to learn)
What do I do well? (emotional intelligence and teaching)
What is my greatest achievement? (learning from past mistakes and grow from them)
What are my most influential personal qualities? (connect with others, value others, and ability to take constructive criticsm)

In what areas can I use improvement? (ask for team input instead of mostly making decision right away when warranted)
What am I uncomfortable doing due to my lack of skill? (putting full trust in the team to accomplish big goals without my input)
What past experiences have shaped my weaknesses today? (tasks didn’t get completed to my expectation from the team)

What can I do to set myself apart? (volunteer for job opportunities or intern)
With whom can I network to access new opportunities? (other healthcare manager)
Who in my life will support me in my goals? (my spouse, parents, and sisters)

Who may stand in the way of my success? (myself – not having confidene I can do it, not finishing, etc)
Can technology possibly replace my skills? (No – require someone to evaluate team )
Am I marketable? (Yes, I have certification in Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and Experience in leadership position in healthcare)
Your paper should be 750 to 1500 words (3 to 5 pages) in length, not including the cover page and references.
You must cite a minimum of two scholarly sources that are not listed as study materials within this module.
Each source should be properly cited in the references, as well as integrated throughout your paper through the use of in-text citations.
Use proper APA format.
written assignment should contain the following elements:

Abstract: Your abstract should be brief, but it should explain the problem, your motivation for solving the problem, an explanation of your approach to solving the problem, and background information that will lead to your conclusions/implications.

Introduction: Begin with a thesis statement that states the focus of your paper. Then discuss the three to five key points that your paper will explore.

Body of Paper: Discuss each of the key points outlined in your introduction, providing detailed research from the study materials provided for you in the module and including any other academic research you have conducted. Be sure to use proper APA format for all citations.

Summary: Wrap up the concepts you?ve discussed and summarize the main ideas you have discussed throughout the body of the paper.

Conclusion: Transition to the ending of your paper and provide final thoughts on what recommendations you have or what you think the future landscape will look like.

References: Include all sources you used (both from the module?s study materials and any additional sources) in a separate References page. Follow APA format.

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