Chat with us, powered by LiveChat ENGH 302 ABAC Rationale of the Five Sources Project - Credence Writers
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Engh 302 – Cluster to Drafting
Peer Review
Researcher: Huy Tran
Peer(s): Maguel
Complete and full notes of group responses and your perceptions…
Your central source – explained _____(mark)
State the other 4 sources _____(mark)
The article was obtained from Harvard Business Review, a respected business news publication
owned by Harvard University (Wilson, 2020). The media outlet is an industry-leading publication
whose articles encompass business management, leadership, economy, finance, and operations.
The other two sources were obtained from Science (Social media: Good or evil?) and PsyPost
(TikTok videos that portray COVID-19 tests as disgusting or unpleasant get more views and likes,
study finds).
A) The Central Source – So interesting to the topic because….?
(The Quality of R, Major, Avenues, Interpretive, Metacognition?)
Peer responses
The central source is so interesting to the topic because the article addresses a common
problem within the marketing world of today’s businesses. The publication is an authentic source
renowned for publishing quality, well-researched articles. The author has employed metacognition
to write well-thought insightful content. The report has depth and resonates with the corporate
world, demonstrating the author’s use of metacognition to develop the article. Meanwhile, the
author utilizes interpretive skills to dig deep and provide well-researched information about social
media marketing.
B) State the somewhat “narrowed topic” …. narrow enough?
The topic is manageable and reasonably narrow. Social media marketing is a broad field
comprising several components. However, the article only focused on one element dubbed digital
campfires. Additionally, the author draws knowledge from the wider social media marketing area
but ultimately provide solutions focused specifically on digital campfiresThe topic is manageable
and reasonably narrow. Social media marketing is a broad field comprising several components.
However, the article only focused on one element dubbed digital campfires. Additionally, the
author draws knowledge from the wider social media marketing area but ultimately provide
solutions focused specifically on digital campfires
B) A Second Source – (same as A)
The source originates from an online-based publication specializing in science, technology,
engineering, and medicine (STEM). The site is a professional platform publishing quality articles
meant for various professionals in the field of STEM (Richter, 2022). In this case, the article under
review is a simple survey-like paper seeking the opinion of fellow scientists and researchers about
the benefits of social media. The idea behind the article is brilliant because social media has
emerged as a powerful tool that aids the work of scientists and researchers
D) A Third Source – (Same as A)
The article for the third source is obtained from an independently-owned platform wholly
concerned with publishing news on psychology, sociology, neuroscience, and related fields (Dolan,
2022). The article’s topic is a rather delicate one, touching on social media and the COVID-19
pandemic. The report is credible because it explores a real problematic phenomenon that has raised
fierce debate in the social science circles during the pandemic. Social media has emerged as an
effective tool for spreading information about the pandemic. However, the problem of prevalent
fake news and disinformation has featured prominently
E) The interplay/pattern of the sources tells this story…?
Cumulative Meaning, Conflicting Meaning, Diverse Meaning All
three sources address a common element; social media. However, every article examines the
essence of social media from diverse angles. The central source focuses on marketing, the second
on the benefit of technology, and the third on the credibility of news dispersed through social
media. One common clear pattern across the three sources is the effort made by the authors to
provide expanded interpretations and perspectives of social media. Meanwhile, the central and
third sources make intricate applications of cause and effect to enlighten readers on the influence
social media exerts over business marketing and spreading of news, respectively.
Dolan. E. W. (2022). TikTok videos that portray COVID-19 tests as disgusting or unpleasant get
more views and likes, study finds. PsyPost.
Richter. W. E. (2022). Social media: Good or evil? Science.
Wilson. S. (2020). The Era of Antisocial Social Media. Harvard Business Review.
English 302 – It Is All in the Research
Major Project #1 – 15% of Final Grade
Date Due: TBA – see Blackboard – MLA/APA Format
Dr. F. Carbo
Any piece of research or thought that moves us to our own thoughts
would be called a “prompt.” Reacting with skill to those prompts can
open up our thinking. Select a blend of research that exhibits quality,
range, and comments richly on a select, narrow topic within your major.
The Assignment:
Project One: A Contemporary Issue – Sources and Analysis: 750-1000+ words
Analyze a problem, issue or development that you see as central and/or current to
your major field. Select a high quality source reading that will be central to your
examination/additional sources.
Additionally, select at least 4 additional sources (of differing quality and medium)
that effectively add/expand/contradict your selected reading. Your selection of
sources will, essentially, establish and prompt your look at your thesis. The
interplay of that selection should be well considered and well planned.
Your major and the appropriate paradigm of research must be central to the
planning and content of your project.
Your essay should present the goals of the class: critical reading, analysis,
interpretation, and more creative idea development strategies. Please see the Major
Project #1 – Concept/Skills Handout.
Additionally, your development of the prewriting steps, use of writing conventions,
and understanding of how research and reading prompts complex thought will all
be central here.
The Project One Rubric and the Concepts/Skills Handout will review/clarify the
minimum classroom strategies at play within this project.
A rationale will be a separate document (1+ pages or so). This rationale will
explain for the reader the dynamics of the selected materials. The interplay/tension
in meaning among the sources (and mediums) will be central to the analysis.
This assignment begins our great regard for the depth and complexity of academic
thought within your field. Please see the handouts on Blackboard. Class
assignments and presentations will build on the skills needed for this major essay.
Models will be considered in class.
Your Paper should be an examination of the interplay of five or more selected
sources and your narrowed topic. There is no one right answer here. Your goals
are many:
1) Select sources that are interesting and thoughtful – either considered alone or
considered separately;
2) Apply our class lessons for a wide range of response – the avenues,
interpretive questions, your cluster, and your knowledge of your major;
3) Apply our class lesson on professional writing and variety – see notes and
your self-assessment;
4) Be sure and organize with an introduction, thesis, topic sentences, unified
paragraphs, and a conclusion;
5) Remember, a narrowed thesis is central;
6) Examine the interplay of your selected research in light of your narrowed
7) Lastly, remember that the “how” of any presentation should support the
“what” of that communication.
Please have a finished copy in class for submission. The Rationale is required,
also. We will gather thoughts and edit in class and a later edited submission will be
submitted to BB.
Considered all together, these sources open up a unified, complex understanding
of the topic.
Considered separately, each of these sources adds understanding to my view of the
Considered together, the sources have a cumulative effect with an understanding
of the topic.
Considered separately, these sources present alternative truths on the topic.
Suggested Steps: Research Free Search, Cluster, Working Bibliography, Peer
Editing (conversation), Research Plus, Drafts, and Final Submission (Project &
Rubric listing class lessons/skills will be posted on BB.
Your self-assessment will be central.
“A Conversation”…. – “It is interesting that…”- Quality of Research Terms –
Planned Interplay of Sources – terms from your major as appropriate– class terms
as appropriate – variety in sentences for effect – solid structure as per class

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