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Final Project Part 1


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As I embark on planning my final project, I am excited to create an engaging and informative infographic that effectively conveys a specific message to a targeted audience. The main purpose of my infographic is to raise awareness about the impact of plastic pollution on marine life and inspire individuals to take action towards reducing plastic waste.

The message I aim to convey through my infographic is the urgent need to address the issue of plastic pollution in our oceans. I want to emphasize the detrimental effects of plastic on marine ecosystems and highlight the importance of individual actions in combating this global problem. My ultimate goal is to encourage individuals to make conscious choices in their daily lives that contribute to reducing plastic waste.

The intended audience for my infographic consists of environmentally conscious individuals, including both young adults and adults, who are interested in sustainable living and the preservation of our oceans. This group is likely to be aware of the environmental challenges we face and may already be engaged in eco-friendly practices. By targeting this audience, I hope to educate and empower individuals who have the potential to make a tangible difference in reducing plastic pollution.

To effectively support my message, I plan to incorporate a range of compelling details and data within the infographic. These details will include statistics on the amount of plastic waste produced globally each year, such as "Over 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in our oceans annually" (Smith, 2021). Additionally, I will include information on the detrimental effects of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems, such as "Plastic waste threatens over 700 marine species with entanglement, ingestion, and habitat destruction" (Ocean Conservancy, 2020).

Furthermore, I will highlight the lifespan of different plastic products, showcasing how single-use plastics, such as plastic bags and straws, contribute significantly to pollution due to their short usage duration and long decomposition time. For example, "A plastic bag, used for an average of 12 minutes, takes up to 1,000 years to decompose" (Plastic Oceans International, 2022).

To showcase successful case studies and initiatives, I will feature examples of communities that have implemented effective plastic waste reduction strategies. This will provide inspiration and practical insights for individuals looking to make a positive impact. For instance, I will include a case study on a coastal town that successfully implemented a ban on single-use plastics, resulting in a significant reduction in plastic pollution.

Additionally, I will offer practical tips for individuals to minimize their plastic consumption. These tips may include suggestions such as carrying reusable bags and water bottles, opting for products with minimal packaging, and supporting brands that prioritize sustainable packaging alternatives. By providing actionable steps, I aim to empower individuals to make conscious choices in their daily lives.

Considering the nature of the topic and the need to present data in a visually appealing manner, I have decided to use a combination of a narrative and statistical infographic. This style will allow me to tell a story that engages the audience emotionally while also presenting relevant data points and visuals that support the overall message. The narrative approach will enable me to create a sense of urgency and empathy, emphasizing the need for immediate action to address plastic pollution.


Ocean Conservancy. (2020). Plastic pollution.

Plastic Oceans International. (2022). The problem.

Smith, J. (2021). The ocean plastic crisis explained.

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