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BIO500 Biostatistics
Week 1 Discussion
DQ1 Search for 2 or 3 SPSS tutorials to help you learn how to use SPSS.  Answer the following about the websites.  Provide the website for the 2 or 3 tutorials that you found on SPSS?  What specific things were you searching for in these tutorials?  What did you like or dislike about the tutorials?  What did you find the most useful in these tutorials?
DQ2 This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills in application, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of biostatistical data used to inform public health programs, policy, and practice. View the online video, “Careers in Biostatistics.” The video describes the education that a professional biostatistician receives at the University of North Carolina. More than likely you will be working with professional biostatisticians. Why is it important for you to take this course in biostatistics?
BIO500 Biostatistics
Week 2 Discussion
DQ1 Compare a minimum of three statistical packages that are available to statisticians and/or students of statistics.
DQ2 Assume you are working for a local public health organization at the state level. Your team wants to develop a program to prepare for a possible pandemic that is spreading worldwide. View, “Laurie Garrett on Lessons From the 1918 Flu.” How could knowledge of the course objectives help you make recommendations to your organization?
BIO500 Biostatistics
Week 3 Discussion
DQ1 It is time to relate the rules and concepts of probability to the practice of statistics and experimentation. Sampling distributions provide the link between probabilities and data. Recall that the sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes for a certain event must equal one. Because the variables representing or describing a certain event can take on a range of values, the frequency of each of those values forms a distribution of possible outcomes, each with its own probability of occurrence. View “Central Limit Theorem” (media piece). What is the significance of the frequency histogram illustrated by dice and numbers in “Dice Combination?” How does this relate to the central limit theorem provided in the media? Roll the dice, what were your odds? HINT: Click on Dice Combination in the media. If you roll the dice, you have to count the total number of two dice. There are two ways to check on your results (Refer to the instructions by clicking Instructions); click on the dice combinations and odds given in the frequency histogram and the table or click the red bar at the right side of the media piece. Explore the basic principle of probability through this media piece. Utilize the quiz to ensure that you understand these basic principles. What is the significance of probability in judgment and decision making in important aspects of health care? Explain your response with an applicable example.
DQ2 For the public health industry, describe some examples of a random variable.
BIO500 Biostatistics
Week 4 Discussion
DQ1 Explain the important points of the central limit theorem.
DQ2 View “Seth Berkley: HIV and Flu–The Vaccine Strategy.”
What are some of the tools in this course that epidemiologists use to perform their work?
BIO500 Biostatistics
Week 5 Discussion
DQ1 As a health care professional in public health, describe some examples of where hypothesis testing would be used.
DQ2 This course is designed to provide you the knowledge and skills in application, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of biostatistical data used to inform public health programs, policy, and practice. Elizabeth Pisani is an epidemiologist in public health and has a message about the role that politics has on the use of the data. View “Elizabeth Pisani: Sex, Drugs and HIV – Let’s Get Rational.” Do you agree or disagree with Pisani’s message about the role of politics in public health?
BIO500 Biostatistics
Week 6 Discussion
DQ1 As a health care professional in public health, compare when you would use hypothesis testing and when you would use regression.
DQ2 If a regression line (linear regression line) is said to “fit” the data presented in a scatter plot, what relation is minimized between the observed data, y, and the predicted output for the regression line?
BIO500 Biostatistics
Week 7 Discussion
DQ1 As a health care professional in public health, describe some examples that demonstrate the importance of interaction of variables in a two-way analysis of variance.
DQ2 Explain why computing a variance of several numbers is like analyzing their differences.
BIO500 Biostatistics
Week 8 Discussion
DQ1 Discuss the differences between parametric and nonparametric tests.
DQ2 Discuss the advantages of nonparametric tests.

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