QUESTION :- You are expected to actively participate in on-line conversations on the Blackboard discussion
board for this class. Discussion Board will be judged based on your ability to initiate and or
contribute to the sociological conversation. Discussion Board participation is graded based on
the following criteria:
1) You are required to write a minimum of 16 posts touching on materials from Sociology
Project 2.5 across the duration of the term.
2) You are required to write at least 4 posts on topics taken up in the documentary
Inequality for All.
3) Other topics (like current events) are welcome and encouraged so long as they are
developed and dealt with in a sociological manner. Almost any topic can be approached
from a sociological perspective.
4) Students should write a minimum of two post per calendar week. Students must write 20
posts (minimum) over the course of the term (not including introductions and short one
liners). Short statements of agreement are allowed but do not count towards your gradeable contributions. Weeks start on Monday and end Sunday evening at midnight.
5) Consistent posting across the duration of the term is required – cramming posts in at the
beginning or end of the term will result in losing points for this portion of the class.
6) Posts should be at least 200 words in length, and must have spelling, grammar and
formatting consistent with college-level writing.
7) Contributions to the discussion board should be informed by any of the perspectives of
empirical evidence and logical argument deployed in the social sciences.
8) Demonstrate your sociological understanding of the topic(s) under discussion. Use
vocabulary and concepts you have learned in the class in your posts.
9) Differing values, ethical outlooks and political perspectives are welcome. However, this
class operates on the expectation that students use logic and empirical evidence to
support their perspective. Addressing the causes and effects of different social
phenomena is more valuable than virtue signaling on the discussion board.
10) Current events and contemporary examples are allowed but be sure to be sociological in
your approach and emphasize cause-effect, empirical trends (not isolated cases) and
comparisons between places/circumstances and across time.