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Health/Public Policy
Select your state on the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps website:

Review the most recent state Summary Report (Downloads tab)
Review the Health Gaps Report for your state, paying close attention to the Highlighted Health Gaps section that are considered to be meaningful gaps that policymakers and leaders may want to examine more closely.

Prepare a report discussing the meaningful health gaps in your state and how health policies supporting community and national health can help close those gaps. Your report should also include a discussion of differences in health outcomes and health factors between the county ranked #1 in your state and the one ranked the lowest, suggesting county health policies that could help improve the ranking of the latter. Finally, your report should conclude with a summary of how public policies support community and national health.
The body of the report should be 3-4 pages, excluding the title page and references page. The County Health Rankings and the Health Gaps Report must be listed on the references page along with any other references you use in preparing the report. Use the following format for these required references:

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation & University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute (insert copyright year). (insert state name) Health Gaps Report. Retrieved (insert date) from 
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation & University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute (insert copyright year). (insert state name) Summary Report. Retrieved (insert date) from

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