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Research the topic of gentrification from a HISTORICAL perspective; tell us about the history of gentrification. Use research techniques that deal with the issue and HISTORY of gentrification and how it has evolved to where it is now. Information from the attached paper should also be used somewhere in the final product.

Scholar Assignment

Princess Starr
Barry University
Capstone Applied Project
Dr. Stephen Sussman
March 27, 2022

Scholar Assignment
Gentrification refers to a process through which the character of a particular urban area is changed by rich people moving in and participating in improving the housing, bringing in new business ideas, and displacing the current inhabitants. In most places, gentrification is a highly contested issue because it has unambiguous visibility, and the ability to replace low-income earners. The transformation brought by the gentrification process changes cities from low value to high value within a short period. Despite most people disputing it, gentrification has various benefits because it increases property levels and consumer purchasing power when the value of products in a particular area is improved (Cole et al., 2021). It also reduces vacancy rates because new housing projects are set to replace old housing projects. Therefore, gentrification involves creating economic, demographic, and educational changes in a neighborhood that has historically been disinvested. The theory/article “The Science of ‘Muddling Through’” by Charles Lindblom can apply to the gentrification process. This theory explains how the executive bureaucracy in the United States uses inadequate policy analysis without any approach in formulating policies.
Lindblom developed the theory among other scholars who had developed an interest in decision-making within bureaucracies. Therefore, according to Lindblom, decision-makers within various organizations make decisions based on evolutionary perspectives hence muddling through decisions that limit analysis. This applies to the gentrification process whereby wealthy and upper-class families make decisions concerning the gentrification process without involving much analysis. The limited investigation leads to the negative impacts associated with gentrification in a particular neighborhood (Shafritz & Hyde, 2012). Like bureaucracies, wealthier people and families have the financial freedom to move to urban areas; hence, they push government agencies to make decisions concerning the development of such areas without much analysis of how the move could affect more people living in such neighborhoods. Therefore, “The Science of ‘Muddling Through’” applies in the gentrification process by promoting limitations in the policymaking process during gentrification.
Due to limited policymaking these processes that do not include the poor people living in the neighborhood that wealthy people want to improve. In many cases, the gentrification process has managed to change the cultural standards on various neighborhoods where decisions from the government and other agencies favor the wealthier people and families who intend to invest in urban neighborhoods. As a result, this limited analysis involved in making government policies has replaced many people who have built neighborhoods without being included in the decision-making process. The article “Policy Analysts: A New Professional Role in Government Service” by Yehezkel Dror explores various advantages and disadvantages of the economic method in the public decision-making process (Shafritz & Hyde, 2012). Analysis of policy is essential because it helps public officials understand various ways through which the political, social, and economic conditions change in a particular society. Through policy analysis, public officials are able to evaluate public policies that must evolve to meet the needs of changing neighborhoods or societies. According to Dror, policy and systems analysis should only be of limited utility in bureaucracies or the government, unless it aims at changing to deal with political or qualitative phenomena (Shafritz & Hyde, 2012). This applies to gentrification because it explains how public officials in a particular neighborhood should evaluate the policymaking process before implementing changes so that the needs of the people who have been living in the neighborhood are met in the new changes. If the difference is not aimed at dealing with political and qualitative issues, the needs of the people must be included in the public decision-making process.
Cole, H. V., Mehdipanah, R., Gullón, P., & Triguero-Mas, M. (2021). Breaking down and building up: Gentrification, its drivers, and urban health inequality. Current environmental health reports, 8(2), 157-166.
Shafritz, J. M., & Hyde, A. C. (2012). Classics of Public Administration. Cengage learning.

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