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+1(978)310-4246 [email protected]


Consider how others react toward a person with a visible disability. Do they stare? Do they move away? Do they invade the person’s space and ask inappropriate questions?

Now consider someone with hidden, or invisible, disabilities, those that are not immediately apparent. In the public’s consciousness, disabilities are largely defined as something physical. Rather than being stared at or avoided, these individuals fade into the crowd. Their disability is not seen; therefore, it is denied. For this Assignment, you explore a case involving invisible disabilities, assess intersectional identities, and consider plans for client empowerment.


  • Review the Learning Resources on practice with people with disabilities. Pay close attention to the video on invisible disabilities.
  • Access the Social Work Case Studies media in the Learning Resources and explore Ramon’s case.


  • What are invisible disabilities?
  • Explain Ramon’s experience of invisible disabilities.
  • What other identities may be intersecting with ability to contribute to further oppression for Ramon?
  • Explain how you would approach Ramon’s case as a social worker. How would you intervene or empower the client? 
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