MN556 Primary Care Across the Adult Age Continuum III
Unit 7 Quiz
Question 1
You examine a 38 year old woman who has presented for an initial examination and Papanicolaou test. She has no complaints. Her blood pressure (BP) is 144/98 mm Hg bilaterally and her body mass index (BMI) is 31. The rest of her physical examination is unremarkable. Your next best action is to:
Question options:
initiate antihypertensive therapy
arrange for at least two additional BP measurements during the next 2 weeks
order blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and potassium ion measurements and urinalysis
advise her to reduce her sodium intake
Question 2
Which is most likely to be found in a person with acute cholecystitis?
Question options:
Palpable gallbladder
Question 3
A 45 year old woman complains of periodic heartburn. Examination reveals a single altered finding of epigastric tenderness without rebound. As first line therapy, you advise:
Question options:
avoiding trigger foods
the use of a prokinetic agent
a daily dose of a proton pump inhibitor (PPI)
increased fluid intake with meals
Question 4
Which of the following is the most accurate information in caring for a 40 year old male with cystitis?
Question options:
This is a common condition in men of this age
A gram-positive organism is the likely causative factor
Pyuria is rarely found
A urologic evaluation should be considered
Question 5
A 78 year old man presents with a 3 day history of new-onset fatigue and difficulty with bladder emptying. Examination reveals a distended bladder, blood urea nitrogen level of 88 mg/dL; creatinine level is 2.8 mg/dL. The most likely diagnosis is:
Question options:
prerenal azotemia
acute glomerulonephritis
tubular necrosis
postrenal azotemia