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Throughout this module, students have been learning about inventory control decisions within warehouse operations. For this assignment, you will draw upon that knowledge and analyze warehouse operations and inventory control decisions within your chosen manufacturing firm. You will also provide a warehouse layout. Your submission should be 5 to 6 pages including your title page, warehouse layout (submitted as an image in your file), your analysis of the required prompts (see below), and your reference page.

Pre-Step: Make sure you have reviewed the Module 2 Notes and resources listed on the Module 2: Learning & Assessment Activities page.

Step 1: Choose a manufacturing firm not associated with the product that you choose/chose for your M2D1/M3D1 initial post.

Step 2: Consider the following prompts:

What type of inventory is found within the firm that you chose? What are the product characteristics for the raw materials, component parts, and finished goods likely used by the firm that you chose? (Examples of product characteristics are found within the module resources.)
How might the characteristics that you described impact inventory control decisions?
What are some of the factors that you considered when you chose the layout design for the manufacturing firm that you chose? Here is where you would provide the written examination of how your chosen inventory storage areas, receiving area, workflow direction, and dispatching area would assist in inventory control measures within your chosen firm.
Within the warehouse layout that you provide, which locator system would you use to control inventory? Your recommendations must be supported by information found within the module resources.
What are some packaging and handling considerations that would impact your warehouse layout and inventory control decisions?
Step 3: Complete a warehouse layout for a manufacturing firm.

Using Smartdraw ( (Links to an external site.)), or another free template, provide a warehouse layout (submitted as an image within the same file as your essay). Your warehouse layout should include the following:

Inventory storage areas (with aisles)
Receiving Area
Workflow direction
Sortation Center (if applicable)
Office space
Dispatching or marshalling area
Step 3. Craft a 2 to 3-page essay using APA formatting.

The 5-6 page length requirement for this assignment includes the title page, reference page, and your one-page warehouse layout as well your analysis of the above prompts. Using at least three scholarly resources (including those found within this module) to support your analysis, your essay should address the prompts in the steps above.

See the EC Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.) for assistance with APA formatting.

The title and reference pages are required but do not count towards the 2 to 3-page count
Use the below EC Library resources to complete your research and cite your work properly. (Log in to the EC Library is required):

Getting Started with Your Research (Links to an external site.)

Search Tips and Tricks (Links to an external site.)

Evaluating Info Guide (Links to an external site.)

Parts of a Peer Reviewed Research Article (Links to an external site.)

Plagiarism & Copyright (Links to an external site.)

Citing Sources (Links to an external site.)

Your document should be saved as a Word document (.doc, .docx, or .rtf) or PDF. Submit your assignment to the Turnitin dropbox below. DO NOT submit your assignment directly to See submission guidance below for additional details.

This assignment is due by 11:59 pm ET on Sunday.


This activity assesses the following module outcomes:

1: Evaluate the role warehouses play in the supply chain. (CO4)
2: Assess considerations impacting inventory control decisions in warehouse operations. (CO2, CO4)
3: Determine how packaging and locator systems impact inventory control in warehouse operations. (CO2, CO4, & CO5)
Evaluation Criteria

This assignment uses Turnitin.
This assignment will be graded using the M2A1: Warehouse Design Rubric located on the Course Rubrics page within the Start Here section of the course. Please review the rubric prior to beginning your work so that you ensure your submission meets the criteria in place for this assignment. This assignment is worth 10% of your final course grade.

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