Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2016). Management information systems: Managing the digital firm [VitalSource Bookshelf version] (14th ed.). Retrieved from
Discussion Board
Per the Professor-One final reminder on this policy. Your class text book is to be your PRIMARY SOURCE for all postings(Discussion or Essays). Therefore, if you have made a main posting in which the class textbook was either not cited or cited secondarily in terms of use, then you have not met this policy and, as such, your discussion grade will reflect this. Each main posting must include citations and your class text must be CLEARLY and EXTENSIVELY used throughout your posting. You can use other sources, but these much be reliable (no Wiki, no random websites, no blogs) and must be secondary to your class text. This includes the study guide text.
Consider how changes in information technology have caused a dilemma concerning ethical issues in organizations. Most people would agree that organizations have the right to monitor employees’ personal usage of company assets. This applies to logging Internet usage and the ability to access and read employees’ emails. However, it is not generally considered acceptable to open and read someone else’s letter—even if it was written on company paper. Why is there a difference between these two situations? What are the ethical implications here?