Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Multimedia - Rotoscopting or 3d animation - Credence Writers
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Either do option 1 or option 3
Need to get at least 75%.

In this assignment you will further explore a technique / topic within animation and 3D modelling. Choose one of the following options
and complete the exercise as described. You will then prepare a document (write-up) describing your work.

A PDF formatted copy of your write-up. You should use the provided LaTeX template for your write-up:

Option 1 — Rotoscope a Short Video
1) Record a short video clip (~3 seconds)
2) Using a set of tools of your choice, create a rotoscoped animation from your recording.
– You may follow adobe’s tutorial:
or this tutorial:
or another tutorial that you find online. Be sure to indicate what tutorial you have used.
3) Once you have completed your animation, upload it to a publicly available platform like youtube where you can show off your work.
4) Write a detailed description of your process for creating your animation. Include some screenshots of your work. In your write-up
be sure to put a link to your video!

Option 2 — Animating an SVG
1) Edit the program that you created in A2 (if you chose that option) so that it outputs a series of SVG’s rather than a single file to make
an animation.
2) From the generated SVG files, use a video editing software to create an animation.
3) Once you have completed your animation, upload it to a publicly available platform like youtube where you can show off your work.
4) Write a detailed description of your process for creating your animation. Include some screenshots of your work. In your write-up be sure to put a link to your video!

Option 3 — A Simple 3D Model
1) Choose a simple real-world object that has some sort of meaning to you — take a number of photographs of the object from different angles.
2) Using a 3D modeling tool like blender (or another similar tool of your choice) create a simple model based on the object that you have chosen.
(Note: it is not completely necessary to add textures to the object).
3) Write a detailed description of your process for creating your model — including pictures of the original object (a side-by-side comparison might be useful).Note any challenges
you had creating your model. Be sure to give reference to any tutorials that you may have used.

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