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Please only use the two highlighted in blue for souces. ‘people management homepage’ or ‘google scholar’. I have ordered 2 essays and they have failed me. Please read the brief and double check. Please also read the signpost for man4pom documentSignpost for MAN4POM Coursework Assignment 1
1. What am I asked to write?
You are asked to write a report of 1,200 words for the consultancy firm at which the question assumes that you work. The report is written for a client organisation which operates in the built environment and which has asked for advice on its management practices. Specifically, you are going to report on the leadership and management in its Senior Team (but see the note in Section 5a below).
Your readers will be professionals so you will need to write your report in a formal style. But they may not be management specialists so you will need to explain key words and concepts.
The submission date is by Tuesday 9 November 2021 at 10.00 a.m. UK time.
Read the scenario and questions carefully and understand the situation and the instructions so that your answers fit the questions.

2. How should I structure my report?
A formal report is a cohesive piece of writing which provides information and the results of research on a specific topic, issue or problem and which aims to assist the reader to make a decision or solve a problem.
Your report should be structured as set out on page 3 of the Assignment Brief as follows:
?A title page giving your name, Student Number, report title (you can choose the title) and the total number of words you have used (your wordcount includes the Introduction and the Main Body of the report only);
?A Contents page, showing the main sections with page numbers;
?An Executive Summary giving a brief synopsis of the content of the report and stating the recommendations;
?An Introduction explaining the purpose of the report, stating who it is addressed to and giving brief background of your chosen organisation;
?The Main Body of the report divided into numbered and named sections and sub-sections. These should approximate to the three sections (a ? c) of the Task and you should present them in this order;
?Conclusions and Recommendations ? these will be part of Task c;
?a Reference List with a minimum of five sources but there is no maximum. These must be all the sources that you have cited in your report.

Don?t include:
?A Bibliography
?An Appendix
Please note that the table on page 5 of the Assignment Brief shows whether sections of an assignment are included in or excluded from the wordcount. It does not show whether or not you should include the various sections in your assignment.
You should present your report so that it looks neat and is pleasant to read.

3. What style should I write my report in?
?This is a formal report which is addressed to the management of a client organisation and so the style should be formal;
?Write the report in the third person or in the passive voice. For example, ?Leaders can inspire employees by motivating them? or ?Employees can be inspired if leaders motivate them?. Don?t use the first person ?I? or ?we?, nor the second person ?you?, i.e. don?t address your readers directly;
?Do not use colloquial language, slang or ?journalese?;
?Pay attention to your spelling, punctuation and grammar so that your text reads correctly;
?Make connections within each task and between the three tasks, so that your report has a good logical thread;
?You are strongly advised to write your report in the order of the three tasks in the question and this will help you to develop a logical thread;
?You can number your sub-headings but don?t number each paragraph;
?The required word-count is 1,200 words and this refers to the report itself, including in-text citations. It does not include the title page, the Executive Summary, the contents page or the reference list. You are told that ?exceeding 10% of the stated word-count may limit the marks allocated for communication? so make sure that you don?t exceed 1,320 words. (This does not mean that you must write 1,320 words). You should however use the full 1,200 words, or as many of these as you can. On the cover page of your submission, you must state the total number of words you?ve used;
?The question suggests approximate word-counts for the different sections of the report. These can be flexible and the main instruction you should comply with is the total word-count. However, you are advised to comply with the approximate individual word-counts as each gives you an idea of the amount of text required. If you write too much on one section, you will have fewer words to devote to the other sections and this would result in a less well-balanced report and may affect your mark;
?Make good use of paragraphing within the sections of your report so that you break up your text. Paragraphs should not be too short nor too long. When you move on to a new idea, you need a new paragraph;
?Good answers will make links between the sections so that the report as a whole has a clear storyline and a logical thread;
?Present your text in double spacing and in a reasonable font and font size;
?Write your report in your own words, but you may make short quotes from external sources. A word-for-word quote should not exceed a short sentence and it must be followed by a citation; if it is longer than this, you should paraphrase it in your own words, but you must still cite and reference the sources;
?The word-count for each section is not high so you need to choose your words carefully. Do not waste valuable words on long introductions, excessive detail or digressions into material which is not asked for in the questions;
?Each source that you refer to must be cited within your text, e.g. (UCEM 2020) and the full reference must be given in your reference list at the end of the report. You are required to include at least five separate relevant and appropriate sources;
?Download and read The UCEM Guide to Referencing and Citation from Section 6 of the e-Library on the VLE, for advice on citation and referencing.

4. Which client organisation should I choose?
You are asked to write your report for a ?client organisation which is operating in the built environment?:
?If you are working for an organisation which operates in the built environment, then it?s best to use it as the basis of your report;
?Remember that the definition of ?organisation operating in the built environment? can be quite wide and can include organisations which are connected in some way with the built environment;
?If you are working for an organisation which does not operate in the built environment, then you are advised to use it as the basis of your report but to change the name and description to one in the built environment, e.g. a construction company, a surveying practice or a property management organisation;
?If you are not working at the moment, then you can either:
oUse an organisation which you used to work for (if this applies);
oContact a built environment organisation and arrange a visit if possible. Even better, if a member of your family or a friend is working in the built environment, get information from them;
oGo to the website of a built environment organisation and do some research into how it is managed and led.
?The webinars will contain more advice on this but, if you are still unsure, and especially if you are not currently working, contact the module team for help.

5. Notes on the sections and on the relevant Study Weeks
In all three sections, you need to achieve a good balance of management theory and application to your chosen organisation. This means you need to explain the theories and then give relevant examples to illustrate the theories. But avoid being ?anecdotal?, i.e. do not describe personal experiences at length or tell stories that you have read in the media, because you are likely to use a lot of words in this way.
Please note that, although your chosen organisation should be operating in the built environment, this report is about management and is not a technical report. So you must not include technical details of the work done by the organisation.

a.Analyse the differences between leadership and management in your client organisation, supporting your answer with two relevant theories and with examples from the organisation. (Indicative word count: up to 400 words.)

?This section is based on the materials covered in Weeks 1, 2 and 4;
?You must bring out the difference between management and leadership, referring to two theories and giving examples from your chosen organisation;
?You don?t have to use the Senior Team but you can refer to your own department or team ? refer to what you know and can observe;
?Your answer should be a combination of:
oEvidence from your own observations of whether the people you work with manage or lead and what style they use when they do it ? give examples. What is important is your explanation of what you observe;
oYour evidence might be the results of your own observations and/or they might be taken from conversations you have held with colleagues. It?s better not to quote a conversation word-for-word but to summarise and paraphrase it in your own words, while still giving a citation and reference;
oDon?t mention the names of colleagues but call them ?Manager X? etc;
oUse two theories or styles (use one for management and one for leadership) to link with what you have observed. Identify the type or style or theory of management and leadership and use examples from your organisation to explain why you?ve chosen each one.

b.Create a simple SWOT analysis for your client organisation. Identify one factor in each of the four sections and, in each case, explain briefly the implications of the factor for the organisation. (Indicative word count: up to 300 words.)

?This section is based on the materials covered in Week 3;
?Set out your SWOT analysis in a table and identify each section with a full word;
?The SWOT analysis must be typed and not handwritten;
?If you complete your SWOT analysis in a grid and take a screenshot to include in your Assignment, you must count the words yourself and include them in your total. (Word will not count the words in an image). It is better not to use a pre-prepared grid and to use a table as advised above. Alternatively, you can present the four factors in four separate paragraphs;
?Choose one factor for each of the four SWOT headings ? each must fit its heading and must be relevant to your chosen organisation;
?Your factors must be relevant to the built environment;
?Choose factors which you can link with your answer to Task c;
?Explain briefly how each factor might affect your organisation; be specific when you do this and don?t simply say that the ?will affect? or ?have implications for? the organisation.

c.Based on your SWOT analysis, discuss two realistic changes that you would make to the leadership and/or management styles used in your chosen client organisation. Your discussion should include a consideration of how your suggested changes might enable the organisation to operate more effectively within the context of the factors in your SWOT analysis. (Indicative word count: up to 500 words.)

?This section is based on the materials covered in Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5;
?Your answer to this Task must link to the styles you identified in Task a;
?It must also link to one or more of the SWOT factors which you chose in Task b;
?You must choose two changes in the styles (this can be two changes to the management, two changes to the leadership or one to the management and the other to the leadership);
?The changes which you choose must be realistic and fit in with what you have already written;
?You should explain and discuss your recommended changes, showing how they might enable the organisation to operate more effectively and linking to your SWOT analysis;
?Your discussion gives you the opportunity to include analysis and a little evaluation, for example:
oShow the line of reasoning, i.e. explain how your recommendations would work and how they might lead to greater effectiveness;
oExplain the advantages and disadvantages of your recommendations;
oEvaluate these by showing whether the advantages might outweigh the disadvantages, why and to what extent.
?This Task should include a Conclusion and Recommendations:
oYou could begin with a brief Conclusion on the management and leadership styles and the SWOT analysis and then explain and discuss your Recommendations;
oOr you could discuss your suggested changes first and then finish with a brief overall Conclusion and Recommendations.
6. The quality of your report
A high-quality report should help you to score a high mark. You need to aim to do some of the following, depending on the question and on the number of words at your disposal:
?Address the questions directly;
?Show knowledge and understanding by stating facts, giving definitions, making observations and/or explaining concepts;
?Apply your knowledge and understanding to the context of the question by giving relevant examples and referring to real-world situations;
?Provide analysis by breaking down concepts to explain what they comprise, making links between concepts, identifying causes of situations and showing what their consequences are, setting out advantages and disadvantages of a concept or a situation and/or making supported recommendations;
?Include some brief evaluation by comparing the advantages and disadvantages and showing which side is stronger and/or by stating the circumstances under which your recommendations might be successful;
?Include a good range of sources and cite and reference these correctly;
?Your answer will be stronger if it is based on wider reading. The more relevant reading you do, the greater will be your understanding of what you are writing about.

7. Editing your report
When you have finished writing your draft report, you need to spend some time on the editing process. This is a very important part of your assignment preparation and you should make sure to leave enough time to do it.

It is a good idea to leave your draft for a day or two and then return to it with fresh eyes. Read it through carefully, keeping the questions beside you, and ask yourself the following questions:

?Is the main body of the report within the wordcount (not including the cover page, the contents list, the Executive Summary and the list of references)?
?Have you addressed the questions which were asked?
?Has any of your discussion gone off the point?
?Have you repeated yourself?
?Have you referred to at least five separate relevant and appropriate sources?
?Have you cited and referenced all your sources?
?Is your spelling, punctuation, grammar and paragraphing correct?

When you are happy with your work, submit it in the Assignment Submission area in Week 6. The whole of your answer must be in one file as you can upload only one. Make sure you upload the right file, i.e. the one which contains your final answer.

Module name People and Organisational Management
Module code MAN4POM
Assignment 1
Level 4
Programme start month and year October 2021
Assignment due time and date 10.00 a.m. (UK time), Tuesday 9 November 2021
Pass mark 40
Word count 1,200
Assessment weighting 40%
*for further information see the Word count and overwriting section.

Submission of assignments
All assignments must be submitted online in the module area of the VLE. The assignment submission link opens 21 days before the due date. Please refer to the information provided in the ?Assessment preparation? week for general submission guidance.

NOTE: Postal submissions will not be accepted.


Learning outcomes

Code Description
LO1 Identify the concepts and principles associated with people and organisational management in the context of construction and the built environment.
LO2 Describe the theory, models and practice underlying the management of people in organisations and discuss the differences between leadership and management.
LO3 Explain the factors that influence organisational structures and systems, the people management processes employed and the impact of management upon people?s behaviour in organisations.
LO4 Demonstrate knowledge and skills to understand and interpret management scenarios.

You work for JMH plc, a consultancy firm which advises its client organisations on their management practices.

A client organisation which is operating in the built environment sector has asked JMH plc to write a report into the way in which its Senior Team carries out its management and leadership practices.

You are required to choose the client organisation, which must be operating in the built environment sector. It may be an organisation which you work for, or it may be one with which you are familiar.

You have been asked to prepare a report on the topic of leadership and management in the Senior Team at your chosen client organisation.

The purpose of your report is to assess the way your chosen client organisation is managed and led, and suggest what changes it needs to make to operate in the most effective way possible, given current business conditions.

Write a report on how the Senior Team leads and manages your chosen client organisation. Your report should:

a.analyse the differences between leadership and management in your client organisation, supporting your answer with two relevant theories and with examples from the organisation. (Indicative word count: up to 400 words.)

b.create a simple SWOT analysis for your client organisation. Identify one factor in each of the four sections and, in each case, explain briefly the implications of the factor for the organisation. (Indicative word count: up to 300 words.)

c.based on your SWOT analysis, discuss two realistic changes that you would make to the leadership and/or management styles used in your chosen client organisation. Your discussion should include a consideration of how your suggested changes might enable the organisation to operate more effectively within the context of the factors in your SWOT analysis. (Indicative word count: up to 500 words.)

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