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This assignment will assess your ability to read and interpret a chapter, to find relevant, recent literature of a topic, and link psychological theory to a real-life experience. It will also assess your ability to write concisely and reference appropriately.

-FOUR (4) single sided A4 pages for your answers.

-Reference list requires (Preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles and textbooks)

– Answers the four questions with fully referenced answers.

– For questions 1 and 2 use the provided reference to answer the questions plus minimum of two extra resources needed per each questions.

– For Question 3 use recent journal articles (published 2012+) to support your point of view. (Preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles and textbooks).

– For Question 4 databases to find a journal article (published 2015+) that reports on a piece of original research examining the relationship between temperament and behaviour in children OR between personality and behaviour in adults.
Summarise the study aims and explain in your own words the key findings of the study. How might these findings related to temperament / personality be applied in an everyday context? (may be from the perspective of a psychologist or other health professional).

(for Question 4, an original research study will have Participants, Method, and Results sections. It involves the collection of some form of data. A review article, meta-analysis, or systematic review, or theoretical article is NOT appropriate for this question. Try to choose an article that you can make sense of, as you will need to paraphrase the aims / findings of the study as part of your answer.)



excellent good adequate inadequate unsatisfactory
5 Marks A clear and comprehensive definition of temperament. Insightful and well explained examples (4) from the readings. Good definition of temperament. Appropriate examples from the readings are well explained. Adequate definition of temperament. Adequate examples from the readings presented but are not well explained and/or insufficient examples given. Very limited/unclear definition of the concept. Limited description of relevant examples from the readings and/or insufficient number of examples given. Definition of term/description of concept is missing or inaccurate. Does not refer to examples from readings, orexamples are incorrect.
OR question not completed
5 Marks Excellent explanation of the relationship between temperament and attachment. Insightful, clear and well explained examples from the readings of how parents adapt positively. Good description of temperament and attachment. Appropriate examples from the readings are well explained. Adequate description of relevant concepts/factors. Adequate examples from the readings but arenot well explained. Very limited/unclear description of relevant concepts/factors. Limited description of relevant examples from the readings. Description of relevant concepts/factors is missing or inaccurate. Does not refer to examplesfrom readings, or examples are incorrect.
OR question not completed.
10 Marks Excellent evidence-based discussion of the relationship between childcare and insecure attachment. Insightful and well explained evidence from the academic sources. Recent (2012+) articles used to support argument. Good evidence-based discussion of the relationship between childcare and insecure attachment. Evidence from academic sources, well explained. Recent (2012+) articles used to support argument. Adequate description of relevant concepts/factors. Adequate evidence from the readings but is not well explained. Very limited/unclear description of relevant concepts/factors. Limited description of relevant evidence from the readings. Description of relevant concepts/factors is missing or inaccurate. Does not refer to evidence from readings, or evidence is incorrect. OR question not completed.
8 Marks Journal article from 2015+ directly related to topic. Well written, accurate, concise summary of the study aims and findings to address the question. Insightful discussion with multiple examples of how study findings can be applied. Journal article from 2015+ directly related to topic. Very good summary of the study aims and findings to address question. Very good discussion of how study findings can be applied. Journal article from 2015+ with some relevance to topic. Adequate summary of the study aims and findings to address question.
Adequate discussion of how study findings can be applied but is not well explained. Journal article PRIOR to 2015, with some relevance to topic. AND/OR Inappropriate type of article (e.g., meta-analysis, dissertation) AND/OR Summary of the study aims and findings is not clear and/or does not completely address question.
Superficial discussion of applications of study findings. Journal article from before 2015, or use of a website or other source of information (e.g., meta-analysis, dissertation). Article/source not clearly related to topic. Summary of content is inaccurate, unclear, and/or does not address the question.
Applications of study findings missing. OR question not completed
4 Marks No errors in grammar and English expression. Excellent sentence/paragraph structure. Minor grammatical errors. Excellent sentence/paragraph structure. Some errors in English expression noted. Good paragraph and sentence structure. Some difficulties in understanding content due to poor grammar and English expression errors. Some errors in paragraph and sentence structure. Requires attention. Significant difficulties with English expression and grammar. Poorly constructed sentences/paragraphs. Assistance from Learning Centre recommended.
2 Marks The student has cited material from at least two sources (in addition to the textbook & provided readings) for questions 1, 2. Sources published within last 10 years The student has cited material from at least one source (in addition to the textbook & provided readings) for questions 1, 2. Sources published within last 10 years. The student has cited material from two sources, (including the textbook) for questions 1, 2. Most sources published within last 10 years. Only one source cited by the student and/or failed to cite the provided readings. And/or student did not use adequate number of sources for questions 1,2. Most sources older than 10 years. Does not refer to published information.
6 Marks Appropriate paraphrasing. In-text references used for all sourced material. Quotes are acknowledged using quotation marks and page numbers. Reference list is complete, and in APA7 format. Maximum 1-2 unique errors (typos) Appropriate paraphrasing. Almost all material is cited. Quotes are acknowledged using quotation marks and page numbers. Reference list is complete and with only very minor deviations from APA7 format. =3 unique errors consistent through assignment. Most material is written in student’s own words. In-text references used for most material. Quotes are shown in quotation marks. Reference list is complete and mostly consistent with APA7 format. =6 unique errors consistent throughout Some attempt to write material in own words. Some in-text references used. Quotes are not always indicated by quotation marks and page numbers. Reference list is not complete and has many deviations from APA7 format. =9 errors Material is mostly quotes or poorly paraphrased. Source of most material is not provided. Quotes are not acknowledged using quotation marks and page numbers. Reference list is incomplete and/or does not approximate APA7 format.
PSYC1000 Assessment 1 Rubric Sem 1_2022Assessment 1- Written Assignment
-This assignment will assess your ability to read and interpret a chapter, to find relevant, recent literature of a topic, and link psychological theory to a real-life experience. It will also assess your ability to write concisely and reference appropriately.
-Maximum of FOUR (4) single sided A4 pages for your answers.
-Include REFERENCES page at the end (APA 7th edition)
-Referencing format must be APA 7th edition (both in-text citations and reference list at the end of the document). Sources of information should be from within the past 10 years. (Preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles)
-Recommended sources of information for these questions include introductory psychology textbooks, developmental (or child development) psychology textbooks, and journal articles. (Preferably AUSTRALIAN psychology textbooks and journal articles)
-You are required to use a minimum of two (2) sources of information to support your answer in each of questions 1 & 2. These sources DO NOT include your Intro Psych textbook, or the chapter reference provided.
Reference: (Use the reference provided to answer the questions, plus minimum of two sources of information to support your answer in each of question 1 and question 2)
Sears, W., & Sears, M. (2000). The fussy, high need baby. In D. N. Sattler, G. P. Kramer, V. Shabatay, & D. A. Bernstein (Eds.), Child development in context: Voices and perspectives (pp. 20-24). Houghton-Mifflin
Question One (5 marks):
Define “temperament”. Describe four (4) examples from the chapter (Sears & Sears, 2000) that illustrate characteristics of a ‘difficult temperament’. (Plus, minimum of two sources, preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles).
Question two (5 marks):

Explain how a child’s temperament can affect the attachment between a parent and child. Describe two (2) examples from the chapter of how the parents adapt positively to their child’s difficult temperament. (Plus, minimum of two sources, preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles).
Question three (10marks):
Do infants who experience childcare outside their home on a regular basis have a higher risk of developing insecure attachments than infants who are reared exclusively at home by one or both parents? Why or why not? In your answer you should use recent journal articles (published 2012+) to support your point of view. (Preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles or textbooks).
Question four (10marks):
Use the Library Catalogue or other databases to find a journal article (published 2015+)
that reports on a piece of original research examining the relationship between temperament and behaviour in children OR between personality and behaviour in adults.
(Preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles or textbooks).
Summarise the study aims and explain in your own words the key findings of the study. How might these findings related to temperament / personality be applied in an everyday context? (may be from the perspective of a psychologist or other health professional).
-Note: for Question 4, an original research study will have Participants, Method, and Results sections. It involves the collection of some form of data. A review article, meta-analysis, or systematic review, or theoretical article is NOT appropriate for this question. Try to choose an article that you can make sense of, as you will need to paraphrase the aims / findings of the study as part of your answer.Assessment 1- Written Assignment
-This assignment will assess your ability to read and interpret a chapter, to find relevant, recent literature of a topic, and link psychological theory to a real-life experience. It will also assess your ability to write concisely and reference appropriately.
-Maximum of FOUR (4) single sided A4 pages for your answers.
-Include REFERENCES page at the end (APA 7th edition)
-Referencing format must be APA 7th edition (both in-text citations and reference list at the end of the document). Sources of information should be from within the past 10 years. (Preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles)
-Recommended sources of information for these questions include introductory psychology textbooks, developmental (or child development) psychology textbooks, and journal articles. (Preferably AUSTRALIAN psychology textbooks and journal articles)
-You are required to use a minimum of two (2) sources of information to support your answer in each of questions 1 & 2. These sources DO NOT include your Intro Psych textbook, or the chapter reference provided.
Reference: (Use the reference provided to answer the questions, plus minimum of two sources of information to support your answer in each of question 1 and question 2)
Sears, W., & Sears, M. (2000). The fussy, high need baby. In D. N. Sattler, G. P. Kramer, V. Shabatay, & D. A. Bernstein (Eds.), Child development in context: Voices and perspectives (pp. 20-24). Houghton-Mifflin
Question One (5 marks):
Define “temperament”. Describe four (4) examples from the chapter (Sears & Sears, 2000) that illustrate characteristics of a ‘difficult temperament’. (Plus, minimum of two sources, preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles).
Question two (5 marks):

Explain how a child’s temperament can affect the attachment between a parent and child. Describe two (2) examples from the chapter of how the parents adapt positively to their child’s difficult temperament. (Plus, minimum of two sources, preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles).
Question three (10marks):
Do infants who experience childcare outside their home on a regular basis have a higher risk of developing insecure attachments than infants who are reared exclusively at home by one or both parents? Why or why not? In your answer you should use recent journal articles (published 2012+) to support your point of view. (Preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles or textbooks).
Question four (10marks):
Use the Library Catalogue or other databases to find a journal article (published 2015+)
that reports on a piece of original research examining the relationship between temperament and behaviour in children OR between personality and behaviour in adults.
(Preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles or textbooks).
Summarise the study aims and explain in your own words the key findings of the study. How might these findings related to temperament / personality be applied in an everyday context? (may be from the perspective of a psychologist or other health professional).
-Note: for Question 4, an original research study will have Participants, Method, and Results sections. It involves the collection of some form of data. A review article, meta-analysis, or systematic review, or theoretical article is NOT appropriate for this question. Try to choose an article that you can make sense of, as you will need to paraphrase the aims / findings of the study as part of your answer.Assessment 1- Written Assignment
-This assignment will assess your ability to read and interpret a chapter, to find relevant, recent literature of a topic, and link psychological theory to a real-life experience. It will also assess your ability to write concisely and reference appropriately.
-Maximum of FOUR (4) single sided A4 pages for your answers.
-Include REFERENCES page at the end (APA 7th edition)
-Referencing format must be APA 7th edition (both in-text citations and reference list at the end of the document). Sources of information should be from within the past 10 years. (Preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles)
-Recommended sources of information for these questions include introductory psychology textbooks, developmental (or child development) psychology textbooks, and journal articles. (Preferably AUSTRALIAN psychology textbooks and journal articles)
-You are required to use a minimum of two (2) sources of information to support your answer in each of questions 1 & 2. These sources DO NOT include your Intro Psych textbook, or the chapter reference provided.
Reference: (Use the reference provided to answer the questions, plus minimum of two sources of information to support your answer in each of question 1 and question 2)
Sears, W., & Sears, M. (2000). The fussy, high need baby. In D. N. Sattler, G. P. Kramer, V. Shabatay, & D. A. Bernstein (Eds.), Child development in context: Voices and perspectives (pp. 20-24). Houghton-Mifflin
Question One (5 marks):
Define “temperament”. Describe four (4) examples from the chapter (Sears & Sears, 2000) that illustrate characteristics of a ‘difficult temperament’. (Plus, minimum of two sources, preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles).
Question two (5 marks):

Explain how a child’s temperament can affect the attachment between a parent and child. Describe two (2) examples from the chapter of how the parents adapt positively to their child’s difficult temperament. (Plus, minimum of two sources, preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles).
Question three (10marks):
Do infants who experience childcare outside their home on a regular basis have a higher risk of developing insecure attachments than infants who are reared exclusively at home by one or both parents? Why or why not? In your answer you should use recent journal articles (published 2012+) to support your point of view. (Preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles or textbooks).
Question four (10marks):
Use the Library Catalogue or other databases to find a journal article (published 2015+)
that reports on a piece of original research examining the relationship between temperament and behaviour in children OR between personality and behaviour in adults.
(Preferably Australian Psychology Journal Articles or textbooks).
Summarise the study aims and explain in your own words the key findings of the study. How might these findings related to temperament / personality be applied in an everyday context? (may be from the perspective of a psychologist or other health professional).
-Note: for Question 4, an original research study will have Participants, Method, and Results sections. It involves the collection of some form of data. A review article, meta-analysis, or systematic review, or theoretical article is NOT appropriate for this question. Try to choose an article that you can make sense of, as you will need to paraphrase the aims / findings of the study as part of your answer.

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