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MCB2289 Introduction to Microbiology
Module 01 Discussion
Plagues to Patients
Throughout history, humans have battled outbreaks of disease; many lost their lives to diseases before treatments and cures were discovered. Modern science and medicine have become efficient in developing vaccines and medications to control and treat the outbreaks, but whether or not the diseases will ever truly be eradicated is in question. Considering how many of these infectious diseases exist and how easily they spread, it is important to remember safety issues to reduce and prevent transmission.
For your initial post, research a specific infectious outbreak in history and share your finding with your classmates. Be sure to include the following information in your initial post (one paragraph):
Disease name
Infectious agent (is the disease bacterial, viral, fungal?)
Mode of transmission
Signs and symptoms of the disease
Treatment (or treatments) available
Try not to duplicate another classmate’s topic.
After considering all of your research, explain the impact of infection rates in health care environments and who or what you think is the culprit.
For your reply post, expand on your peer’s ideas by sharing examples from your own experience or readings, suggesting outside resources to support the topic, and/or asking questions to dig deeper into the topic.
MCB2289 Introduction to Microbiology
Module 02 Discussion
How Clean Is It?
Handwashing and use of antimicrobial chemicals (such as alcohol based hand sanitizers) are effective ways to prevent the spread of microorganisms, particularly in the health care setting.
For your initial post, imagine that you are infection control nurse tasked with educating personnel on a large medical/surgical unit that has recently seen an increase in hospital acquired infections (HAIs) in their patients. Describe how you would educate personnel about the importance of handwashing and increase handwashing compliance amongst the staff?
For your reply post, expand on your peer’s ideas by sharing examples from your own experience or readings, suggesting outside resources to support the topic, and/or asking questions to dig deeper into the topic.
MCB2289 Introduction to Microbiology
Module 03 Discussion
What Goes Around Comes Around
Have you heard of the so called “5-second rule” for when food falls to the floor? (NOT true by the way) Have you seen the signs in restrooms indicating that all employees must wash their hands before returning to work? Bacteria are everywhere and the concept of cleanliness should apply to anyone who comes in contact with foreign materials, fecal matter or urine, or any potentially contaminated materials.
For your initial post, discuss which two rooms in your home or work place that you believe are the most contaminated. Explain why you chose these two rooms and list at least two bacteria that are the common types found in those rooms.
For your reply post, respond to at least one of your peers about different methods that can be used to decontaminate these rooms to reduce or eliminate microorganisms.
MCB2289 Introduction to Microbiology
Module 04 Discussion
Viral Treatment Options
There are many opinions on the need and/or importance of vaccines in preventing the spread of disease. Our children are required to get vaccinations before entering school, and health care workers must have them when working in environments where they can come into contact with bloodborne pathogens. In health care facilities, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Hepatitis C (HCV) are the two more prominent infectious concerns for medical staff.
For your initial post, research the two diseases HIV and HCV. Based on your research, discuss whether you think that a vaccine will be developed for either of these diseases within the next ten years. Why or why not?
For your reply post, expand on your peer’s ideas by sharing examples from your own experience or readings, suggesting outside resources to support the topic, and/or asking furthering questions to dig deeper into the topic.
MCB2289 Introduction to Microbiology
Module 05 Discussion
What’s Eating You?
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the more prevalent nosocomial infections in health care faculties today. Any patient with a compromised immune system or open wound is susceptible to contracting MRSA from medical staff or even family members. Although MRSA is commonly connected to health care facilities, MRSA can be found anywhere.
For your initial post, discuss who you believe to be at the highest risk for MRSA outside the health care environment? Explain. Discuss the common fomites or transmission factors involved as well as the preventative measures the public can do to reduce or prevent MRSA infections.
For your reply post, expand on your peer’s ideas by sharing examples from your own experience or readings, suggesting outside resources to support the topic, and/or asking furthering questions to dig deeper into the topic.
MCB2289 Introduction to Microbiology
Module 06 Discussion
Microbial Transmission Routes in Hospitals
Hospitals and other health care settings will often implement Transmission-Based Precautions to prevent or help reduce the spread of infections to health care workers, as well other patients in their care. These Transmission-Based Precautions are designed to supplement standard precautions in patients/residents with documented or suspected infection/colonization of highly transmissible or epidemiologically important pathogens. The three categories of Transmission-Based Precautions include:
Contact Precautions
Droplet Precautions
Airborne Precautions
For your initial post, choose one of the Transmission based Precautions listed above to research. Include what the definition of the precaution is, when it would be implemented and what type of personal protective equipment (PPE) a health care worker would be required to wear when coming in contact with a patient under that particular precaution.
For your reply post, expand on your peer’s ideas by sharing examples from your own experience or readings, suggesting outside resources to support the topic, and/or asking furthering questions to dig deeper into the topic.
MCB2289 Introduction to Microbiology
Module 07 Discussion
Microbial Transmission Routes of STIs and STDs
For your initial post, imagine that you are a school nurse tasked with educating middle school/high school students about STIs and STDs. Create a pamphlet or educational handout/flyer that can be provided to students and/or parents educating them about an STI or STD, how the disease is transmitted, how the disease is detected or tested for, signs and symptoms of the disease, and finally, the treatment options available.
If available, include statistical information about infection rates for this disease for your state.
For your reply post, provide feedback on the flyer/handout created by at least one of your peers.
MCB2289 Introduction to Microbiology
Module 08 Discussion
Super Bugs
Many of us have been impacted by outbreaks of disease in our lifetimes.
For your initial post, reflect back over the past decade and recall a news-breaking infectious outbreak of a disease that made an impact on you. Please include a link to a news article or video related to your outbreak in your initial post. Explain how that story changed the way you interacted with people, family, or friends.
For your reply post, expand on your peer’s ideas by sharing stories from your own personal experience with the outbreak.
MCB2289 Introduction to Microbiology
Module 09 Discussion
Over Medicated and Overwhelmed
Antibiotics have saved millions of lives since they were first observed by Pasteur and Koch and later named by Selman Waksman in 1942. Unfortunately, antibiotic resistant microbial strains are becoming more prevalent and therefore making once easily treated infections more difficult to treat.
For your initial discussion post, share your thoughts on three ways that society – not physicians or medical staff – can help to reduce the development of drug resistant microbial strains.
For your reply post, expand on your peer’s ideas by sharing examples from your own experience or readings, suggesting outside resources to support the topic, and/or asking furthering questions to dig deeper into the topic.
MCB2289 Introduction to Microbiology
Module 10 Discussion
Natural Disasters and the Spread of Disease
Every year, natural disasters impact families, communities, nations, and cultures. Whether the natural disaster is a flood, hurricane, tornado, fire or earthquake, it can alter the environment and cause potential health hazards.
For this module’s initial discussion post, research a major national or global disaster that occurred in the last decade. Provide a brief summary of the disaster and explain the common public health risks that occurred as well as potential long-term health risks the victims might be facing. Do you think the type of natural disaster you studied has the highest risk of spreading diseases, or another type of natural disaster? Explain.
For your reply post, expand on your peer’s ideas by sharing examples from your own experience or readings, suggesting outside resources to support the topic, and/or asking furthering questions to dig deeper into the topic.
Due dates for your initial and response posts can be found by checking the Course Syllabus and Course Calendar.
MCB2289 Introduction to Microbiology
Module 11 Discussion
Future of Medicine
Genetic engineering has become a part of our culture and it is difficult to tell the difference between unmodified and genetically modified food sources such as plants and animals. After reading this module’s material regarding vectors in biotechnology, consider the potential for nanotechnology and gene therapy.
For your initial discussion post, research nanotechnology and its potential use in biotechnology. Explain the potential advantages and disadvantages of nanotechnology in health care and discuss whether you would or would not support further research.
For your reply post, expand on your peer’s ideas by sharing examples from your own experience or readings, suggesting outside resources to support the topic, and/or asking furthering questions to dig deeper into the topic.
Due dates for your initial and response posts can be found by checking the Course Syllabus and Course Calendar.

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