WHERE WE ARE Business scopeConstrain your analysis of a particular market and timeframeRemote environment analysisPESTLE analysisPorters Five ForcesNear environment AnalysisPLCCompetitive environmentConsumer insightsInternal analysisValue Chain analysis Product Portfolio analysisONLY include Critical and Original insights rather than laundry listing!CONCLUDING WITH: Critical Success Factors (CSF)Use CSF to bridge your external and internal analysisUse CSFs to form preliminary insights on your strengths and weakness WHERE WE WANT TO BE Problems and opportunities statement (3 top ones)Highlights of the main insights emerged out of your situation analysisNo new insights at this point (from here, there should be no new research required) Rank and explain the urgency and importance of problems and opportunitiesProblems and opportunities should beclearlyarticulated and actionable. Avoid making bland, generalised conclusions….the robust economy represents a key opportunity…. This would beabackground condition rather than an actionable opportunityAvoid making a laundry list of SWOT statements!Strategic objectivesDevelop three objectives that address the three most important problems and opportunities identified aboveDemonstrate ability to form SMART objectives HOW TO GET THERE High-level strategic (HLS) alternativeDevelop onealternativeHLS to address strategic objectivesEvaluation of alternative High-level strategies Assess alignment across each element of HLS components generic and competitive strategies, growth strategies and STP strategiesCritically assess priorities and trade-offs; input-return; risk assessment; competitive pressure; timelineBrieftactical programDemonstrate a feasible and actionable tactical plan to implement the HLS (e.g. 7Ps)
situation analysis and development of a comprehensive marketing strategy for Bentley
by | Nov 24, 2021 | Marketing, Undergraduate
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