Write up/Analysis
In analyzing the data, you will rely on both your ethnographic field notes and your audio recording in order to offer an analysis of some interesting patterns in the way people interact in the setting you chose to investigate. To make sure you get the best grade possible, be sure your report follows this organization exactly and that sections are clearly marked. (8-10 pages, Homework and projects must be turned in via Turn It In on the class web page unless we notify otherwise. Formatting for all projects and homework is 12pt Times; 1 inch margins; 1.5 line spacing. Please respect page limits. ). Remember that this must be done individually though you can consult with your group.
I Introduction. Describe the social behavior you focused on; why this behavior was of interest; and what you have learned. Include 2-3 instances of prior research that is relevant to this. (1-2pp)
II Research Methods. You should include all of the following (1-2 pp)
A. A description of your research setting.
B. A description of your research subjects
C. A description of how you made your field notes and your interview(s)
D. A description of how you identified the behavior(s) of interest.
E. A description of the strengths and weaknesses of your methods for getting at the topic of interest
III Analysis: Offer an analysis of your field notes and your interview combining the two in a way that offers a compelling story and presentation of evidence for some aspect of social behavior that you have found to be orderly. For instance, you observed that when people request garbage bags using one form of words the sales person typically asks “What?” but when they ask with another form of words the sales person typically gives them the bags (and describe what those form of words are). Or, when someone looks another in the eye when s/he does X behavior it commonly has a particular result (describe the behavior and the result). Use examples from your field notes, and/or interview recording to illustrate and give evidence for your claims. (3-5 pp)
IV Discussion. Describe the conclusions you draw based on your results. What larger studies might be built on this one? What changes would you make? (1 p)
V) Group Process Report
How did working with partners work out? Was it a positive or a negative experience? To what extent did individuals contribute equally?
VI) Interview Include the interview schedule — your outline of questions (you should have approximately 10-15 topics/questions from which to draw on for the interview).
VII) Transcript Please include all transcribed elements with “…” in between when there are segments of the recording not transcribed. Indicate the time code at the start of each transcribed element so that we can find the portion of the audio recording.