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Sport In American Life
What aspects of sport in the twentieth century (such as its status in society, how it was covered in the media, how fans watched it, etc.) allowed athletes to use sport as a tool to (at least try to) foster greater equality in society?
Sport in American Life––Winter 2019
Third Paper Prompt  
For your third paper, please write 1,000 words on the prompt below:
Write an essay supported by evidence drawn from our readings, lecture materials, and discussions in response to the following question: What aspects of sport in the twentieth century (such as its status in society, how it was covered in the media, how fans watched it, etc.) allowed athletes to use sport as a tool to (at least try to) foster greater equality in society?
Your essay MUST have a clear, concise, and specific thesis statement/argument that guides the rest of your paper. This thesis statement must directly respond to the prompt. Please refer to the documents on Bb Learn about constructing an effective thesis statement for recommendations on how to do this.
Your essay MUST properly use Chicago Style footnotes or endnotes. Please consult the documents on Bb Learn regarding Chicago Style citations for any questions on how to properly cite your sources. (You do not need to cite materials from the lecture notes or the videos, only from the primary and secondary source readings.)
Your essay MAY NOT use sources other than the materials assigned in this course. That means that NO additional research is permitted.
Please DO pay attention to the general guidelines for papers listed on the syllabus under “Class Procedures and Policies.” Please also title your paper.
Your essay will be graded on the effectiveness of your thesis statement, your grammar usage and writing style, the clarity of your writing, your use of the materials we read for this class, and your use of proper citation style.
Your essay must be submitted electronically via Bb Learn’s TurnItIn feature by 10 am on March 11 and in person in class on that date. Email submissions will not be accepted.

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