Subject: Subtle body & Chakras 1) Journal: Daily journaling for 6 days : Put your entries into the journal on a daily basis for 6 consecutive days. Throughout the course youll be asked to journal as part of your svadhyaya (self-study; one of the niyamas), Youll be learning a lot of new terminology, concepts, and practicing new skills. Your Journal can address any or all of the following questions: How I am feeling today? What are some new things that I learned that day? What are my goals for today? What are my frustrations? What ideas do I have for today? Did I see an act of kindness or did I do an act of kindness today that touched my heart? What change do I want to see in myself and the community? What things I would like to let go of? What things would I love to improve? Always finish your journal with 1 Good thing or moment which happened today 1 Expression of Gratitude 1 Expression of Positive Affirmation about Yourself. (simply compliment yourself) I may ask you to consider a specific reading or topic in some journal entries. More information about readings and Personal Practice assignments are posted on Canvas 2) Topic Reflection: Your reflection should include 3 things from the class topic that you incorporated into your life. Be specific about what, how, where and when. What principles from the weekly topic did you implement in your daily life? How did you implement it? Where and when did you implement it? What are you observing within your own practice/life? How can you apply principles of yoga philosophy both on and off the mat? What topic or principle would you like to explore more in depth?Try to describe in detail what you thought about the topic/principle and the yoga practice, poses, movement breathing etc. What topic or principle would you like to explore more in depth?This should be around 100-200 words Please be mindful of how you present your OMWork. OMWork should be well written and thoughtful. Please try spacing out your writing to avoid doing everything at one time. My preference is for entries to be legible and handwritten (use this time to slow down and stop looking at a screen), but accomodations can be made for typing if necessary.
Subject: Subtle body & Chakras
by | Sep 23, 2021 | Health Care and Life Sciences, Not applicable
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