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Transitioning from RN to APN

The healthcare system is experiencing a shortage of physicians. As a result, healthcare facilities are unable to meet the demanding needs of patients. Therefore role transitioning from RN to APN is crucial. APN nurses have knowledge and skills of handling patients just as doctors and physicians. Consequently, they can work alongside doctors to provide holistic and cost-effective care. However, transitioning from RN to APN can be overwhelming and intimidating and cause a loss of confidence among nurses. Therefore, APNs need more time to transition to their new role. Furthermore, orientation is crucial during transition because it helps release the stress that APN nurses might experience during their new role.

Transition alters a health professional?s identity as they acquire a new one. Their roles also change. Transition is always expected when RN return to school to further their studies. Moreover, their identity also changes as well. They become novice APNs, and rules now govern their practice, and they focus on improved patient care. The novice APNs start relying on guidelines and principles when treating patients rather than experience-based knowledge that they were using in the RN roles. Enough preparation and orientation can help experienced RN nurses transition to APNs roles easily.

reply to discussion above, Guidelines: In your discussion response, provide a substantive response that illustrates a well-reasoned and thoughtful response. Reflective posts provide you an opportunity to think back on the concepts and materials you reviewed for the week. A reflection is a method for personal growth. A reflection post can help answer questions, such as, “How has my thinking changed this past week?”, “How can I use the concepts or relationships from the course readings and course content in my practice?” Reflection enhances personal and professional growth by making connections to previous course content and/or presenting novel ideas and insights.

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