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Write an 8 -10 page immersion paper (of text, not including cover page and references) on uzbekistan culture and counseling using APA style composition with references. The paper should address the following areas:

How do you, as part of the “in group”, identify regarding the social factor (the “out group”) you have chosen to learn more about? If you have chosen to learn about a different ethnic group, for example, what is your own ethnic identity [ use * afro-caribe (haitian with taino roots*]? Describe your original ideas held prior to this experience about how it would be to belong to the “out group.” Would you predict individual, institutional, or structural discrimination to affect this group? If so, how?
Preparation for immersion Activity
You must include a current scholarly literature review regarding the cultural experience of the selected group and their experience of discrimination. You may also include literature by an author from that group written about the group’s experience.
Immersion Activity
Describe your immersion experience as objectively as possible: Who, what, when, where, how, for how long, etc. Be sure to include any observed examples of evidence of effects of possible individual, institutional, or structural discrimination.
Subjective Experience of Cross-Cultural Interaction (improvise )
What was the experience like for you? How did you feel? Was it what you expected? What did you learn? Which, if any, of your beliefs or values were challenged, changed, and/or solidified? How were you perceived? What did you enjoy most? What was the most anxiety provoking?
Impact of Activity on Self/Other(s) (improvise)
Examine the impact of your behavior during the immersion activity on yourself and on others. Explore at least two other alternative ways you could have acted during the immersion activity. What do you wish you had done? What alternatives occur to you now upon reflection? What obstacles or enablers make these alternatives seem either difficult or possible? In the future, how will you respond to a similar situation? Connect your examination to class concepts.
Implications for Professional Development
How do you think it will be for you to engage in professional relationships with members of the group you chose, and even more broadly, with members of groups different from you? And/or how will it be for you, as a member of a stigmatized group, to function as a professional? How about in the role of counselee? What strengths do you bring to the relationship? What challenged do you have to face? How has this activity affected your development? How do you plan to continue this process of growth and self-actualization?

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