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Write a 3- to 5-paragraphs critique of the article (2 to 3 pages). In your critique, include responses to the following:

  • Why did the authors use multiple regression?

Do you think it?s the most appropriate choice? Why or why not?

Did the authors display the data?

Do the results stand alone? Why or why not?

Did the authors report effect size? If yes, is this meaningful?

  • Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing.
  • References:
  • Breheny, P., & Burchett, W. (2017). Visualization of regression models using visreg.

    The R Journal



    (2), 56-71.
  • Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Leon-Guerrero, A. (2018).

    Social statistics for a diverse society

    (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Wagner, III, W. E. (2020).

    Using IBM? SPSS? statistics for research methods and social science statistics

    (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Chapter 8, “Correlation and Regression Analysis”

Chapter 11, ?Editing Output? (previously read in Week 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, and 8)

ISSN: 2146-0353 ? ? RIGEO ? 11(3), SUMMER, 2021
Research Article
The Effects of Motivation, Compensation
and Communication on Employee
Performance Productivity
Dede Hertina1
Widyatama University, Bandung ? Indonesia
Muhammad Farhan Zahirsyah 2
Widyatama University, Bandung ? Indonesia
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dedi Kusramdani 3
Widyatama University, Bandung ? Indonesia
[email protected]
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of motivation, compensation, and communication
on employee performance productivity. The population in this study were PT. PLN Pusharlis (Persero)
Bandung, amounting to 50 people using purposive sampling obtained a sample of 46 people. The
research method used is descriptive analysis of quantitative research forms and multiple linear regression
analysis. The data obtained through distributing questionnaires to employees. The hypothesis proposed in
this study is that motivation, compensation and motivation have a significant effect on employee
performance productivity either simultaneously or partially. The results of this study indicate that
motivation, compensation, and communication have a positive and significant effect on the productivity
of the employee performance of PT PLN Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung.
Motivation, Compensation, Communication, Performance Productivity
To cite this article: Hertina, D.; Zahirsyah, M, F.; and Kusramdani, D. (2021) The Effects of Motivation, Compensation
and Communication on Employee Performance Productivity. Review of International Geographical
(RIGEO), 11(3), 1504-1513. doi: 10.48047/rigeo.11.3.143
Submitted: 20-01-2021 ? Revised: 15-02-2021 ? Accepted: 25-03-2021
Hertina, D.; Zahirsyah, M, F.; and Kusramdani, D. (2021) The Effects of Motivation, Compensation and ?
Organizational resources that have an important role in achieving its goals are human
resources. Humans are one of the internal resources that can determine the success of a
company in carrying out its business activities. Successful managers are those who are able to
see human resources as an asset that must be managed according to the company’s needs.
One way related to human resources in order to become a source of competitive advantage
is through increasing human capital to be able to recognize and adapt to an ever-changing
environment. Human resources have a very vital and dynamic position in the company.
Human resources are important assets and play a role as the main driving factor in the
implementation of all company activities. Management is needed to be able to regulate
activities within an organization to be effective and efficient. Human resources in the company
need to be managed professionally in order to achieve a balance between the needs of
employees and the demands and capabilities of the company’s organization. This balance is
the main key for the company so that it can develop productively and fairly (Mangkunegara,
2009:1). Human resources are a core factor in an organization. Therefore, the management
and development of human resources is very important for organizations (Krismiyati, 2017).
Human resource management is carried out to develop and utilize all existing potentials to
support the achievement of the desired organizational goals. One of the factors that influence
the level of success of a company or organization is the work productivity of its employees.
One of the factors that influence the level of success of a company or organization is the work
productivity of its employees. Employee work productivity according to Gaol (2014: 273) is a
real behavior that is displayed by everyone as work performance produced by employees
according to their role in the institution or company. Every company always expects its
employees to have high work productivity, because having employees with high work
productivity will provide an optimal contribution to the company. By having employees with
high work productivity, the company can increase their work productivity. Motivation has
become a management task, creating difficult and important problems to solve. Various
research results conclude that motivation will affect productivity and increase performance in
employees. Motivation comes from the word motive which means encouragement.
According to Mathis & Jackson (2006) motivation is a desire in a person that causes that person
to take an action. Someone performs these actions for something in achieving goals.
Motivation is an impulse that grows within a person. Both those who come from within and from
outside themselves to do a job with high enthusiasm using all the abilities and skills they have
in order to achieve organizational goals. Success in determining appropriate compensation
will determine the quality of human resources at work, which will directly relate to the
effectiveness of employee goals and the efficiency of the organization’s budget, and will
determine how the organization survives in an increasingly competitive business environment.
Adequate compensation will affect the performance displayed by employees. When
compensation is not in line with the expectations of the employees, what happens is a subtle
rejection to a hard rejection through demonstrations. Compensation according to Hasibuan
(2017:119) is all income in the form of money, goods directly or indirectly received by
employees as compensation for services provided to the company. One way to increase work
productivity and motivation is through compensation. Compensation is something that
employees receive for the services they contribute to their work in the company. Every action,
activity and policy must be made with the intention of achieving a certain goal. Likewise, in
the case of this compensation policy, it has certain objectives in addition to the company’s
main objectives as well as employee performance. Communication in an organization plays
a very important role, the importance of communication in the company is where in doing
work among fellow employees requires effective communication so that messages about
work can be understood. Effective communication will work well if they both understand the
meaning of the communication information. According to Koontz, et al. (1990) defines that
communication as the delivery of information from the sender to the recipient of information
and can be clearly understood by the recipient of the information. Errors in communication
will give unfavorable results, can be fatal and not achieve the intended target. Based on
observations for the last 1-year (2020), with the Covid-19 pandemic, problems with
? RIGEO ? Review of International Geographical Education
11(3), SUMMER, 2021
performance productivity for PT. PLN Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung employees have increased.
This is because during the pandemic employees carry out their company activities by work
from home. With the existence of work from home., the productivity of employees’
performance, which was originally running normally, has decreased due to the fact that during
the work from home. Activities, employees are required to do their work with an alternate
system according to their field. This makes the productivity of each employee decrease,
because it is less effective and efficient.
Table 1.
Data Productivity Performance PT.PLN Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung
Percentage (%)
Source: Data Processing Result (2021).
Research Framework
Performance Productivity
Performance productivity is something that is desired by both employers and workers.
Employers want their employees’ performance to be good for the benefit of increasing work
results and company profits. Performance is the result of work achieved by someone based
on job requirements. A job has certain requirements to be carried out in achieving goals which
are called job standards. Yuniasih and Suwatno (2013) stated that productivity can be
measured by two main standards, namely physical productivity and value productivity.
Physical productivity can be measured from the aspect of quantity and quality of the products
produced, while value productivity can be measured on the basis of the values of attitude,
behavior, discipline, motivation, and commitment to work (Yuniasih and Suwatno, 2013:158).
Measuring performance productivity can be done through physical productivity
measurement which includes quantity and quality aspects, and can also be measured
through value productivity which is based on the value of ability, behavior, discipline,
motivation and commitment to work. Employee work productivity according to Gaol
(2014:686) is an employee’s achievement in the work environment. Work productivity is the use
or use of human resources effectively and efficiently. High productivity is a reflection of
employees who are satisfied with their work and will fulfill all their obligations as employees.
Work productivity according to Sunyoto (2015: 36) is technically a comparison between the
results achieved and the overall resources used.
Factors Affecting Employee Performance Productivity
Labor productivity is influenced by various factors related to the workforce itself as well as those
related to the company environment and government policies as a whole, such as education,
skills, discipline, attitudes and work ethics, motivation, nutrition and health, income level, social
security, work environment and climate, industrial relations and government policies on
production, investment, licensing, technology, fiscal, pricing, distribution and others. These
factors can affect employee productivity either directly or indirectly. Work productivity is also
influenced by the level of employee attendance in the workplace or employee absences.
Productivity may not be achieved optimally if the level of employee attendance is very low.
Hertina, D.; Zahirsyah, M, F.; and Kusramdani, D. (2021) The Effects of Motivation, Compensation and ?
The Effect of Motivation, Compensation and Communication on Employee
Performance Productivity
Research Results Yuli Ermawati, et al. (2017) stated that motivation, compensation and
communication have a significant effect on employee performance productivity. However,
the results of Tri Ameliya’s research (2017) state that motivation, compensation and
communication have no significant effect on employee performance productivity. This study
is to determine the effect of motivation, compensation, communication on employee
performance productivity. The dependent variable is on employee performance productivity
while the independent variable is on motivation, compensation, and communication. Based
on this description, the framework of thought is as follows:
Motivation (X1)
Compensation (X2)
Employee Performance
Productivity (Y)
Communication (X3)
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
H1: Motivation, Compensation, and Communication have a significant effect on Employee
Performance Productivity.
H2: Motivation has a significant effect on Employee Performance Productivity.
H3: Compensation has a significant effect on Employee Performance Productivity.
H4: Communication has a significant effect on Employee Performance Productivity.
Research Methods
This study uses a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. According to Sugiyono
(2017: 53) descriptive is a problem formulation relating to the question of the existence of
independent variables, both on one or more variables. Therefore, this research is descriptive
because it presents a structured description of how much influence motivation,
compensation, and communication have on employee performance productivity. This study
uses primary data by distributing questionnaires containing several questions containing
indicators of the variables studied using a scale of 1-5. The population in this study amounted
to 50 people and the sample of respondents amounted to 46 employees of PT. PLN Pusharlis
? RIGEO ? Review of International Geographical Education
11(3), SUMMER, 2021
(Persero) Bandung. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis method with
measurements through simultaneous hypothesis testing (F test) and partial hypothesis testing (t
test). The dependent variable (Y) is the productivity of employee performance. Productivity
performance is a comparison between the results achieved and the overall resources used.
The first independent variable (X1) is motivation. The second independent variable (X2) is
compensation. The third independent variable (X3) is communication. The sampling criteria in
this study are as follows:
a. Active and permanent employees at PT. PLN Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung.
b. Employees with 3 years of service.
c. Employees who are willing to be respondents.
Research Results and Discussion
Research Result
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results
Multiple linear regression analysis is related to the study of the dependence of a dependent
variable on one or more independent variables with the aim of knowing how much influence
the independent variable has on the dependent variable.
Table 1.
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the Estimate
Source: Data Processing Result (2021)
The value of the correlation or relationship (R) is 0.871. The percentage of the influence of the
independent variable on the dependent variable is called the coefficient of determination
which is the result of squaring R. From the output, the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.759,
which means that the effect of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y) is
Table 2.
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
Source: Data Processing Result (2021)
This section explains whether there is a significant (significant) effect between the independent
variable (X) on the participation variable (Y). From the output, it can be seen that F = 44.065
with a significance/probability level of 0.000 Ftable (44.065 > 2.82) and significance (0.000 < 0.05)
then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that motivation, compensation and
communication simultaneously have a significant effect on the productivity of PT.PLN Pusharlis
(Persero) employees Bandung. The results of the study simultaneously stated that motivation,
compensation and communication had a significant effect on the productivity of employee
performance at PT. PLN Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung. The results of this study are in line with
research conducted by Yuli Ermawati, et al. (2017). However, the results of this study are not in
line with the results of Tri’s research conducted by Ameliya (2017) which states that motivation,
compensation and communication have no effect on employee performance productivity.
? RIGEO ? Review of International Geographical Education
11(3), SUMMER, 2021
The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance Productivity at PT. PLN
Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung
Motivation has a value of tcount > ttable, namely the t value of 3,526 > 2.216 and a significance
of 0.001 < 0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that partially the
motivation variable has a significant effect on the productivity of PT. PLN Pusharlis (Persero)
Bandung’s employee performance. The results of the study partially state that motivation has
a significant effect on employee performance productivity PT. PLN Pusharlis (Persero)
Bandung. The results of this study are in line with the research conducted by Yuli Ermawati, et
al. (2017). However, the results of this study are not in line with the results of research conducted
by Tri Ameliya (2017) which states that motivation does not affect employee performance
The Effect of Compensation on Employee Performance Productivity at PT. PLN
Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung
The compensation variable has a value of tcount > ttable, namely the t value of 3,950 > 2.216 and
a significance of 0.000 < 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that
partially the compensation variable has a significant effect on the productivity of PT. PLN
Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung employees. The results of the study partially state that
compensation has a significant effect on employee performance productivity PT. PLN Pusharlis
(Persero) Bandung. The results of this study are in line with the results of research conducted by
Yuli Ermawati, et al. (2017) which states that compensation has a significant effect on
employee performance productivity. The results of the study partially state that compensation
has a significant effect on employee performance productivity PT. PLN Pusharlis (Persero)
Bandung. The results of this study are in line with the results of research conducted by Yuli
Ermawati, et al. (2017) which states that compensation has a significant effect on employee
performance productivity.
The Effect of Communication on Employee Performance Productivity at PT. PLN
Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung
The communication variable has a value of tcount > ttabel, namely the t value of 2,324 > 2.216
and a significance of 0.025 < 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted which means that
partially the communication variable has a significant effect on the productivity of employee
performance at PT. PLN Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung. The results partially state that
communication has a significant effect on employee performance productivity PT. PLN
Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung. The results of this study are in line with the results of research
conducted by Yuli Ermawati, et al. (2017) and Tri Ameliya (2017) which states that
communication has a significant effect on employee performance productivity.
Motivation, compensation and communication have a significant effect on employee
performance productivity of PT PLN Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung.
Motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance productivity
of PT PLN Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung.
Compensation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance
productivity of PT PLN Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung.
Communication has a positive and significant effect on employee performance
productivity of PT PLN Pusharlis (Persero) Bandung.
Hertina, D.; Zahirsyah, M, F.; and Kusramdani, D. (2021) The Effects of Motivation, Compensation and ?
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