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Week 3 Assignment 1: Psychosocial Crises

?Points 75
?Submitting a file upload
Assignment Competencies:  (CC4, CC5)
This week we learned about Erikson’s eight stages of development, and for this assignment, you are tasked with not only demonstrating your understanding of these stages but also applying them to your own development experiences. Papers should be 5-6 pages in length, and they should address each element of this assignment in detail. Make sure you are incorporating concepts from the weekly reading, as well as outside research to support your own ideas and thoughts. 
1.To begin, briefly summarize each of Erikson’s stages of development and how they relate to personality development. Chapter 8, Part 1: Erik Erikson
?You can always google this chapter if the linke doesn’t take you there.
?Next, describe the cultural implications of development according to Erikson, and provide an example of three psychosocial crises and describe the role that culture plays.
?Lastly, identify and describe a stage of development that you have experienced, as well as your current stage of development. In what ways have psychosocial crises shaped the development of your personality? Have you moved through stages in an order similar to what is posed by Erikson’s theory?
Additional Considerations:
?Papers should be 5-6 pages in length 
1.You must include at least one outside source to support your own ideas and remember to cite appropriately using APA format (Links to an external Chapter 8, Part 1: Erik Erikson
?site.).  If you do not reference the assigned readings, points will be deducted.  Always remember to circle everything back to the weekly readings.
PSY321 Week 3 Assignment 1 Rubric
PSY321 Week 3 Assignment 1 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates understanding of all eight stages of Erikson’s Developmental Model and describes how they relate to personality development. 15 pts
Exemplary- Demonstrates an advanced understanding of Erikson’s 8 stages of development and how they contribute to personality development. 13 pts
Mastery- Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of Erikson’s 8 stages of development and how they contribute to personality development. 11 pts
Proficient- Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of Erikson’s 8 stages of development and how they contribute to personality development. 9 pts
Emerging- Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of Erikson’s 8 stages of development and how they contribute to personality development. 0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- Does not demonstrate an understanding of Erikson’s 8 stages of development or how they contribute to personality development.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescribes the cultural implications of development, and provides 3 different examples to demonstrate how culture can influence 3 of the stages of development. 15 pts
Exemplary- Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the cultural implications on personality development, and provides 3 relevant and accurate examples for 3 different psychosocial crises. 13 pts
Mastery- Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the cultural implications on personality development, and provides at least 2 relevant and accurate examples for at least 2 different psychosocial crises. 11 pts
Proficient- Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the cultural implications on personality development, and provides at least 1 relevant and accurate example for a psychosocial crisis. 9 pts
Emerging- Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the cultural implications on personality development, or does not provide an accurate example for a psychosocial crisis. 0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- Does not demonstrate an understanding of the cultural implications on personality development or provide relevant and accurate examples for 3 different psychosocial crises.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescribes a stage from Erikson’s model that has been experienced prior, one that you are currently experiencing and reviews cultural implications 15 pts
Exemplary-Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the application of Erikson’s stages by providing a detailed and thorough description and example of two different stages of development as they apply to a previous and current stage in your personal development. 13 pts
Mastery-Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the application of Erikson’s stages by providing a detailed description and example of two different stages of development as they apply to a previous and current stage in your personal development. 11 pts
Proficient-Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the application of Erikson’s stages by providing a description and example of two different stages of development as they apply to a previous and current stage in your personal development. 9 pts
Emerging-Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the application of Erikson’s stages by providing a superficial description and example of two different stages of development as they apply to a previous and current stage in your personal development. 0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations-Does not demonstrate an understanding of the application of Erikson’s stages and does not provide a description or example of two different stages of development as they apply to a previous and current stage in your personal development.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking/ Analytical Skills 10 pts
Exemplary- Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all issues identified; consistently demonstrates the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills 9 pts
Mastery- Presents a thorough analysis of most of the issues identified; demonstrates the use of critical thinking/analytical skills 8 pts
Proficient- Presents a superficial analysis of some of the issues identified; minimal demonstration of the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills 7 pts
Emerging- Presents an incomplete analysis of the issues identified; demonstrates little or no use of critical thinking/analysis skill 0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation-Does not present any critical thinking/ analysis
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUtilization of Research 10 pts
Exemplary- Supplements paper with relevant and extensive research into the body of the paper 9 pts
Mastery- Supplements paper with relevant research into the body of the paper 8 pts
Proficient- Supplements paper with limited research into the body of the paper 7 pts
Emerging- Minimally supplements paper with research into the body of the paper 0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- Does not include relevant research into the body of the paper
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality and Organization of Writing 10 pts
Exemplary- The paper is extremely well organized, makes excellent transitions from point to point, no spelling or grammatical errors and all references correctly cited Paper follows APA format 9 pts
Mastery- The paper is generally well organized with relatively smooth transitions from point to point; rare number of spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not cited. Paper follows APA format correctly cited 8 pts
Proficient- The paper is organized with somewhat smooth transitions from point to point; under 3 spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not cited properly. Paper mostly follows APA format. 7 pts
Emerging- The paper is minimally well organized with minimally acceptable transitions from point to point; several spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly indicated. Minimally follows APA format. 0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- Does not have a properly organized paper. Does not adhere to APA formatting.
10 pts
Total Points: 75

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