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Check FilesChoose one of the topics below, and in 1800-2500 words (roughly 6-9 pages) support a clear and focused thesis statement using the primary source text (the story) and a minimum of 4 secondary sources (articles written about the story). The secondary sources must be scholarly, literary resources that you have obtained using a library’s resources: books, reference room, online subscription databases. No websites are permitted in the completion of this project.

Finding the appropriate secondary sources for this essay is explained in the lecture, “Conducting research for a literary analysis essay.”

The primary purpose of the paper is to analyze and/or explicate the story; therefore, your thesis should speak directly to theme and your examples should support your interpretation of meaning.

This is not a five paragraph essay. This is an extended essay in which you will likely present at least six body paragraphs.

Each body paragraph must contain at least one direct quotation from the primary text (story) that supports the point you are making in the paragraph. Be sure to explain how the quotation supports the point. The paper must contain at least one direct quotation from each secondary source for a minimum of 4 secondary source quotations. The secondary source quotes must be used in the body paragraphs. Be sure to explain how the quoted material supports the point.

Your paper must reflect MLA format.
Citations must be alphabetized and use a hanging indent
All quoted material must be integrated – refer to lecture and handout
Information on the Works Cited page is NOT to be used when determining paper length.

?What does Munro’s “Boys and Girls” suggest about gender roles?

?What does Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues” suggest about music?

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