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2000 words and minimum 20 resources include all with references (The Harvard referencing system)
Select an overseas country of interest (but it cannot be the UK, Turkey, France), You should then address the following 6 parts:
Part 1: Introduction (follow these 5 points!)
1-) Why it’s important to study social media (short piece with some facts and figures on the global growth of social media and platforms).
2-) Why it’s important to explore the potential effects of cultural characteristics on the motivations and behaviour in the use of social media
3-) The country you have selected and some brief overview of the use and adoption of social media.
4-) Sets out the aim of your research essay which is in the assignment brief
5-) How the rest of the paper will be structured to meet the aim of the assignment.
Part 2: Social Media THEORIES!
****You need to refer to social media theories (more than 2 THEORIES) and within that you refer to theories that explain the motivation and some behaviour. (look at the example which I sent you)
*****you need to explain what are the motivations for individuals and organisations/managers to engage in social media and their behaviour – what is known from the extant research.
****In this part; You cannot refer culture, because this part is about social media theories that needs apply. You need to do some literature review that review of previous studies has been done about on social media theories that will justify the motivations and behaviours. Do not jump to Culture, only talk about social media.
*****Do not forget to CITE! And references
Part 3: Social Media in Australia
you have to explain clearly the social media in the country what are the characteristics of social media in that country. Use relevant sources and put citation make stronger. But keep this part short because the main part of this assignment is applying theories!
Part 4: Cultural Theories:
-Use at least 2 theories
-Using your research of what is known from the literature about social media discussed in point 1, critically evaluate and apply appropriate cultural theories and concepts (such as Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, Hall’s high/low context concept)to explain how and why they might affect motivations and behaviour in social media in your selected country.
It is not about explaining Hofstede theory! (you have to explain and apply to the social media in Australia, so how does that explain the use of social media in Australia, you MUST Critically evaluate and apply appropriate cultural theories or concepts or can be element of the culture(such as, religion, language…) to explain how and why they might affect motivations and behaviour in social media in your selected country (individuals and managers)
***Overall, in this part 1styou have to explain the theories then 2ndyou have to talk about how these theories apply to justify the social media use and motivation and some behaviour in Australia.
Part 4: Implications of the research for SMEs in your specific country
Thispart is that what are the IMPLICATIONS for SME. You can not to talk about the use of social media by SME. Change the title.
*****From this what are the cultural implications and advice for SMEs and effective use of social media
****Lessons to be learnt for effective use of social media – for communication and brands with consumers and/or for developing international business relationships with customers or intermediaries and communicating with them.
Part 5: Future avenues for further research
*****Based on your reading and researches what are the areas for further research. Identify what are the future avenues for further research.
Part 6: conclusion